
@RudestBuddhist: You can follow the link to the USPTO website. Also note the linked story ran on Gizmodo yesterday.

@bacon04001: Why are there no Street Fighters from Indonesia, the fourth most populous nation in the world (after China, India, and the US)?

@robotomasher: The male character looks like he fell out of the Tekken universe.

@Jhales: While I'll agree with the other commenters that Heavenly Sword was short (not a bad thing) and lacking in replay value (resigning it to being a perfect rental), I did enjoy the gameplay quite a bit. The reliance on counter-attacks and switching between stances really help differentiate the game from Ninja

@theALLseeingEYE: I don't recall calling the controls complex. Just fail. Super Metroid, Metroid Fusion, and Metroid Zero Mission did it a lot better. (Also, they had much better art direction.)

Dual-analog control scheme in 2D platformers/shooters = fail. It ruined Shadow Complex and it'll ruin Grapple Buggy.

@lollipopz: Two installed game plus all my XBLA games (Castle Crashers, SSF2THDR, Puzzle Fighter, Hexic) fit on a 20 GB 360 HDD. I don't use my 360 for movies/music.

@Nexus6: The box set already includes Razor. It doesn't include The Plan, but The Plan was both terrible and unnecessary.

@uni: I also often listen to the soundtracks at work — I've bought the first five (including the miniseries, which doesn't have much worthwhile outside of various versions of Six's theme) and will pick up the Razor/Plan OST soon.

@Zulmokhan: I disagree. The Pegasus expansion greatly tilts the game in the Humans favor, thanks to Admiral Cain's overpowered Blind Jump, the four extra damage spots on Pegasus, and New Caprica's incredible straightforwardness (Humans move to Shipyards and XO one another to unlock/launch 2 ships/turn, Cylons spam

@PudgiesJockeyGivesTheRideOfYou...: Let's not talk about the ending. I thought it was fine (although a little too LotR-ish with the multiple segments), but there are plenty who are still pissed that God and his angels actually were God and his angels, not some sci-fi hive-mind alien brain worms.

@diagorus: This is the last episode for the [mid?]season, so it's the last week you'll have to make that decision for a while.

@Tenshigure: Beyond the entire premise (9/11), season 1's abortion debate and outing of bigots, the treatment of civil liberties and PoWs in early season 2, the rigged election of late season 2, and the occupation/insurgency/strikes/suicide bombings of early season 3?

@diagorus: Caprica is cyberpunk, related to BSG only tangentially.

@Dreadk: BSG is a fantastic board game — I play it almost every week.

@xxXX_Insanities_Birth_XXxx: I'm in pretty much the same situation. I can install one game and my XBLA arcade games and have space for demos on my 20 GB or install two games and my XBLA arcade games and have no space for demos. With an extra 16 GB USB drive, I can get two games installed, all my XBLA games still