
@Segador: What was the "vein" of FF VII? What — regarding the game, not the phenomenon — set it apart from the rest of FF IV-IX?

@Lagi: I don't see much point in remaking any jRPGs. How many people who played through FFVII (or whatnot) are going to purchase a HD-ified version of the same game? I have zero desire to replay any jRPG, let alone one that's ten years old (with the exceptions of Chrono Trigger and Chrono Cross, but even those I

@Koztah: Woosh! Right over your head!

@penguiniator: 1) Anti-virus software is not required.

@penguiniator: If you purposefully choose to ignore the warnings and manually force the install of a virus as an administrator, yes, you can indeed install said virus on Windows, as the Sophos "test" points out.

@wahoo-yahoo: What should Microsoft do to "stop it"? Outright block all users from running potentially unsafe (i.e., all-but-whitelisted) programs?

@penguiniator: The "company that foist[ed] [such a disaster]" in this case is the friend of the friend who advised said friend to disable Windows Update.

@Mosaic: Yeah, KoF fans are like Sonic fans that way.

@beefsack: He should also know not to play, let alone buy, terrible games like Settlers and Agricola. ;)

@omgwtflolbbl: Engadget compares the Move to the Wiimote and says that "We're feeling lag. An on-rails shooter we tried out, dubbed The Shoot, was discernibly inferior to shooting experiences we've had on the Wii, both in precision and refresh rate of the aiming cursor", amongst other things.

@Mhazz: If the rest of the world was still using horse-drawn carriages, yes.

@deanbmmv: Count again. You're missing the Wiimote's + and - buttons (as well as the home button).

@SasukeX: As long as I get to play Resident Evil 5 with RE4-Wii-esque controls, I'm happy.

@Mentuss: Er, olive oil comes from olives, not from black gold.

@uncutlateralus: Most every Civ fan I've spoken to feels that Civ III is the weakest of the series. Civ II and Civ IV are where it's it.

@Demolira: Well, it'll be the shortest MMO ever for 99+% of players. But those few that survive the nukes will have quite a game to look forward to: getting boarded/plundered by other humans and dying, misjumping and dying, being blown apart by Cylon raiders and dying, disobeying orders and dying, giving bad orders

I want this to be good — I really do — but all I'm seeing is an HD expansion pack to a seven year old game.

For those that are interested, David Sirlin and Maj have more serious articles on the topic of mind games.