
@Evdor: Computer/video game RPGs are called such because they lifted mechanics (lots of statistics, XP-based progression, resolving commands via dice rolls) and setting (fantasy world with plenty of dungeon crawling) from RPGs like D&D, not because of the "role-playing" aspect. That role-playing aspect is

@somarix: Well, except from Opera and Chrome, on the performance front, both of which wipe the floor with Firefox.

@The Cap'n: Gizmodo did a write-up on the Nyko and MadCatz controllers compared with the official Wiimote.

@FearfulInsomniac: Certainly having two GBA-sized screens is better than having one GBA-sized screen.

I'm still hoping for/expecting a single physical widescreen display that can be split into two virtual screens for DS backwards compatibility. Of course, this would require the display/controls to rotate, which may be a bit awkward.

@thomasmb: By the time Phoenix was renamed Firebird was renamed Firefox, yes, it had tabs. But that was several revisions down the road, and the backlash against tabs in the Mozilla community was pretty loud those first few years.

@Shinta: Is the one on IGN not good enough for you?

@AjaDL: The Yeti dungeon was excellent. The rest of the dungeons were good, but not particularly novel. The fact that the game was so terribly lengthy made me appreciate them even less — TP needed an editor who could call the hard shots, cut the cruft and pare the game back to ~25 hours. Heck, they could have used the

@mr_godot: TP was the ultimate by-the-book LoZ. It was everything that the fans wanted, and therefore the dullest, least imaginative game in the series (perhaps tied with Spirit Tracks in that regard, but I'm only about a quarter of the way through ST).

@Aetius: Opera's looked like that for about fifteen years, actually. It used to be something the Netscape/Firefox fanboys bashed it for: "Tabs above the page? That makes no sense!" (This is after they bashed it for having tabs: "Tabs? Nobody wants tabbed browsing!")

@Alai: "Here's a hint."

I don't want to be that guy, but in that group of 20, there's one woman, one non-Caucasian male, three non-humans (maybe four), and 15 (maybe 14) Caucasian males.

@Ice_man: Let's fight like gentlemen.

@Foggen: Juri and Juli are entirely different characters, despite the similarity in names.

@James Henderson: Capcom has been far from consistent in the English spelling the name of M. Bison's organization. They've called it Shadowloo, Shadowlaw, Shadaloo and Shadoloo, with and without a space.

Pretty much everyone who's been following the game expected 10 new characters, per the "leaked" list from a few months ago. The remaining four characters are rumored to be Dudley, Ibuki, and Makoto from SF3:3s and a new character, Hakan, a Turkish oil-wrestler.

@EmeraldStorm: I have enough good games on other systems. What I lack is time to play them all. ;)

Yay! More shots of Mordin!

I bought a PS3 in anticipation for Heavy Rain. Apart from Uncharted 1&2 and Heavenly Sword, it's largely sat untouched for the past two years. Now Quantic Dreams wants me to plop down an additional $15 for the material from the previews?