
This explains so much about my ex *sigh*

You put this into the words I was looking for. Why are kids expected to make YOU feel better? (@ cops)

Ms. Skeptical in the middle too. 

...the fuck?

No one is saying you have to die for us...

I’m hoping for a Police v. Michael Rappaport final. Ew!

Michael Harriot, you are perfect.

The fairly successful integration of Native folks into the Roundup never ceases to fascinate me because it is anomalous to both cowboy culture and Eastern Oregon. I also love frybread tacos with a passion.

wtf is happening here i’m scared

That interview anecdote got me. Antwon will be missed. 

“I heard a lot of people comment on me, like, ‘I don’t think he should be the face [of criminal justice reform],’” Meek told King. “I don’t care about being the face, I care about saving people’s lives and helping the world become a better place, if I can.”

every time i see this gif i think of that salty water and i just cringe lol

Thought the same thing! Great hair.

You’re doing the WORK and we appreciate you. I have a hard time holding it together reading and watching these stories so I can only imagine what it’s like being there. Thank you thank you thank you. (Also, it is so critical to have black journalists reporting on and interviewing black folks.)

this is excellent, thank you.

Them: *makes fairly explicitly racist comment*
You: *calmly* Wow, that was kinda racist.
Them: What?! Me?! I’m just joking.
You: Well it was a kinda racist joke then? Maybe don’t say that shit.
Them: Whatever you’re just saying that cuz I’m white. YoU’rE tHe RaCiSt!

“You can love somebody but if you don’t show me—you know, actions be louder than words.” Mhmmm.
These women are amazing. Thank you for sharing.

But aren’t u so excited about Conor Lamb??!!!1 /s

say it

I thought it was “I miss the rains down in Africa” which sort of made sense with the sentiment of the song?