
why are there not more comments about it lol

My pussy salutes your pussy and together we will protect pussy rights everywhere. (And any and all rights currently under attack or unrealized.)

Something about that lede photo just blew me away. Def worth 1000 words.

Don’t worry, @Monique has already addressed the fruit/veggies thang ;) rest of your advice is solid tho

I just busted mine (DROPPING IT ON THE TILE FLOOR NOTHING UNSEEMLY OK?!) so now I guess I must take your #afterdark advice ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

My heart goes out to your cuz. The youth are the truth! We have to love them and support them always as they change the world.

I’m glad they’re taking it so well because reading the YouTube comments on the interviews saying things like “Seems fake.” “Why isn’t she crying?””Oh look a crisis actor.” etc. with HUNDREDS OF UPVOTES was really, really disheartening. (Also don’t look at that shit before bed *slaps self*)

Definitely thought the issue was more about media representation, not actually lived gay life.

Love this program! Fuck law school. It mostly just reinforces white supremacy and discourages the folks we need most in the profession from being there.

The phrase “yeasty dump cake” will haunt me forever.

ayyyyy yep. there are a fair few hollering dogs up in here. makes me sad for our future.

While it’s still BS, I think sessions thrives in plausible deniability and therefore mainstream talking heads arent gonna touch it.

The CNN link also implies that “Anglo-American” is “common parlance” among legal scholars and lawyers. It is not. I assure you that I have never heard this term used other than as a historical reference to some of our laws’ origins. HE SAID WHAT HE SAID. And he meant it exactly how it sounded.

ugh and moving out of state like immediately? whyyyy

My friend did TFA cuz they paid for her masters. She had 3 years teaching experience abroad and felt ill-prepared. She said she was the most prepared out of every single person at her East Coast training, which was like several weeks or something absurd.

For press-ons, yes. But you need to be moderately careful. I wear dishwashing gloves for example (also preserves regular manicures). ANd I wouldn’t move lots of furniture with them haha

Depends. If they are near the end of their natural stickiness life, then no, a lot of times about half are ready to come off and the other half are a bit tougher. I soak in acetone or just warm water then they pull right off.

Yes! I love Impress by Kiss gel nails. If you do it right, they can last up to 2 WEEKS! I like to apply right before bed so they won’t touch water or “do anything” for like 10-12 hours. Spend a bit pressing them down then sleep. They definitely get a bit grungy towards the end but they don’t chip and if one starts

Not sure what’s funnier: a racist hate-reading this whole thing getting angrier and angrier to reach that nugget OR a racist skimming for that nugget and being like GOTCHYA DAMON YOU RACIST!

Just heard about the term “spotlight syndrome” which we all have to some extent (hello, ego, my old friend!) but one of the manifestations is definitely thinking your shit is the best/worst/most and feeling the need to share cuz you think everyone cares.