
“You guys won, that’s clear,” Benenson said. “But let’s be honest. Don’t act as if you have a popular mandate for your message. The fact of the matter is that more Americans voted for Hillary Clinton than for Donald Trump.”

I’ve been avoiding all spoilery trailers and TV spots so..thanks I totally needed this info! I can’t wait to not get shocked by his appearance when I’m actually watching the movie.

Dick move. I skipped the same article for the same reason.

I’m praying Stephen Stanton does the voice acting. Not only is he doing a great job on Rebels, but he is an amazing person to boot. About a month ago, I made a random comment on Twitter about asking my wife for the Clone Wars record on vinyl, and a few days later, he sent it out to me SIGNED, along with several photos

Way to go A$$hat.

Also came here to say this. I’ve been avoiding trailers and everything, trying to go into this blind. I’m actually pretty mad that this was spoiled for me now.

I think its time to take a break from i09 till I see this and get through a few other things I’m worried will get spoiled for me.

For. The. Love. Of. Fuck.

Y’all just had a piece about how trailers are spoiling everything with Rogue One as your case in point. Take your own implicit advice.

This feels about right to me. More than anything, Rory seems to want things to be easy for her. That wasn’t always true of her — she definitely dealt with adversity by working hard in the early years of the series. But the more comfortable she got with privilege (her grandparents’ money, the cache of a Yale education,

Me too. This really sucked.

What the hell, io9? I had avoided recent trailers and any recent stories about the film because I wanted to save some surprises. I saw an article title referencing a “classic Star Wars villain” who would appear in Rogue One, but I didn’t read it because I didn’t want to know who it was talking about.

Exactly. FFS.

Wow. What’s the point of spoiling something, no matter how potentially minor, for so many people? Somehow I’m not surprised, but this just seems like so much click-bait.

It’s almost as bad as that time where a day after the most recent Game of Thrones finale, io9 posted an article titled, “Let’s discuss what happened this season on Game of Thrones!” And the header image was a picture of Cersei sitting on the Iron Throne with the crown on her head.

I purposely avoided the most recent tv spot as other sites said it hinted at another villain appearing and I thought it would be nice to discover this in the cinema.

I’m glad I didn’t bother clicking on the spoiler article. >_>

There was a similar article earlier about this that didn’t give away the spoilers in their title. I am highly annoyed and see it as very unprofessional to spoil such a big reveal in your click bait title. A lot of people (myself included) have been trying to go into this movie as blind as possible. Thank you for

I make sure not to click on trailer or other spoiler articles, and yet here’s a spoiler I can’t avoid simply when I visit this site. Come on guys.

*sees spoiler post with vague title in the morning, avoids to maintain surprise about other villain*

Having now seen this and reading that it was in the last trailer, I’m still thoroughly annoyed about this. You didn’t need to make the headline what it was, some people (ahem) aren’t watching the trailers anymore and are trying to just go into it. Even if you go “but you should have at least suspected”...yea, maybe,