El Zilcho

Yep, this right here.

Yeah, I love miserable George, but Yankees George is pretty great too. And we'd miss out on so many great Steinbrenner rants.


Wonder Woman's knowledge of scientific biological transmogrifications
is only outmatched only by her zest for Kung Fu treachery.

At least it wasn't Lwaxana, Alexander, and Worf enjoying a nice mud bath.

Naw, there were great songs in the second season. "Too Many Dicks On The Dance Floor?" It kills!

Yeah, I'm kinda shocked. I hope that isn't really her.

Mister, would you please help my pony?

WETA still gets a bunch of Lord of the Rings cred, right?

Silver was a boy horse. Just what are you implying about Miss Dash?

I dunno, I think Fluttershy's kinda funny. She's no Horsefellow, but who is?

Vera said that?

My favorites were the one with Nathan Fillion and Helpful Bus with Craig Robinson.

Then they'd need to launch a show about meth cooks called The Real Breaking Bad.

Yeah, Ben's nerdiness is fantastic, even if I did like the Lord of the Rings movies.

Reggie Wayne. 87 is a wide receiver number. Manning wears 18.

But he brought a goddamn vegetable loaf. COME ON!

Yeah, Jerry usually wouldn't wear that shirt. But this was a PARTY!

Sacks: I've been feeling like it makes complete sense for Ben to have a thing for Leslie. But I don't feel it the other way.

The season finale is great, though. "The Opposite?" One of the best!