El Zilcho

Curzon totally died jamaharoning with Vanessa Williams. Good way to go.

Also next week, the one-two punch of terrible that is a Lwaxana Troi and Alexander team-up.

Cause & Effect is one of my favorite episodes. I think the ending unravels a little, and maybe it's a bit of leap for Data to think "3? That's Riker!" but I love weird little sci-fi stories like this.

Michael Gladis
The Today Show did a segment about manners a few months back, and they were interviewing customers at a coffee shop. Michael Gladis was one of the interviewees, but he was only identified as "a customer."

Ooh, that reminds me of one of my favorite bits. The "thanks for bringing it in!" with a big smile after you know, and the appraiser knows, that they just gave the owner a lower figure than they were hoping for.

I feel like I should use coupons sometimes, but it seems like such a hassle. Especially when I've already calculated out my healthy meals, and if I start buying what the coupons tell me to, my whole plan will go to shit!

A friend and I went to the movies once, but we were in the mall beforehand. The food court was closing, so the chinese food place sold us all the food they had left for 5 bucks.

I usually don't get anything, but sometimes I have a craving for delicious "buttery" popcorn (and you gotta have them layer the butter. LAYER IT! Thanks, dad). I like Sno-Caps, sometimes, but I'd rather stop at the drugstore on the way and pick up better nonpareils.

That guy looks like Thor's wussy younger brother
He is? Oh.

Wasn't it a lead pipe in Clue, not a pipe wrench?

But closed captioning isn't always done from the script, but done by a person listening to the show. I notice closed captioning errors all the time.

I thought Visioneers was pretty ok.

After seeing last night's repeat of Placebo Effect, I'm pretty sure it's my favorite Archer episode. Goddamn it's endless fun.

Isn't Ernest Borgnine in both Down Periscope and McHale's Navy?


They should really just name the dean "Dean Wormer" and have him be a giant worm-monster.

My dad was a big fan of The Operation, too. It just kinda grossed me out.

So glad to hear him rip on OJ
I do wish he had done a little bit more anti-comedy (like his Moth joke he did on Conan), but this was a solid set from one of my favorite comedians.

Hi Burl!
