El Zilcho

Risa's definitely the planet for it. There's a DS9 episode where they all head to Risa for some good, old-fashioned sexing-of-the-locals, and they all wear the crazy getups.

Greatest TNG gag. It's so perfect for Riker to pull that on Picard.

Well, if you engineer your super-soliders to not have the urges that hot naked chicks bring on, I don't see it being the problem.

I'm totally doing nothing on Halloween, and I will probably watch The Walking Dead.

Poor Richard Lester
He looks so lonely in the Recycler-O-Matic. Everybody else has a partner, but not Richard Lester.

I'm mad at desktop dungeons. I just can't beat the damn Factory!

II was probably my favorite, but IV might have been the best in the series. That's a damned good game, and I think a lot of what I love about II is from nostalgia.

City-states are really cool. But it seems like diplomatic relations with other civs isn't as important as they used to be. Maybe I just haven't found a screen that tells me how people are related, and what they think of me yet.

Is it the Euros? I watch for the Euros.

I thought Tom Waits was already supposed to be the voice of Smaug.

I like the new combat, especially because it emphasizes having a variety of units, ranged and melee. I rarely used siege engines in other Civs, but I find a few catapults to be very useful now.

Civ III was the low point in the series, to me. I'm not sure where I'd rank V yet, but I think you'll be living on the street within 6 months, finding any power outlet to plug your laptop into so you can play more Civ.

They'll get around to it after just one more turn.

Guillam: Probably a rule change. I know there's a set time before you can found a second city now, and that's probably why you can't move your settler away from your capital. I'm not positive, though, since I haven't tried.

I've wasted away so much of the past week playing Civ.


Yeah, the fact that Joely Fisher and Carrie Fisher are related is news to me.

The known gay guy in my high school seemed fairly well-liked. We were even friends, until his popularity rose and my nerdiness and Magic cards were left behind.

Those are great. Wasn't there one where Bill Gates and Steve Jobs had a lightsaber duel?

It was Goodfeathers. Their boss was The Godpigeon.