El Zilcho

The Truth
"Hey Ya" is a great song. Really super great. I was at a party where a cousin renewed her vows, and later that night the DJ played "Hey Ya." It STILL tore the place down, and EVERYBODY enjoyed it. It's not that often nowadays that such a song that good can become so big that pretty much everybody loves it.

Dammit! See, I knew the line and I just kinda instinctively wrote it, instead of changing it like I meant to. I'm a horrible jokester!

But you let in George DiCaprio!
It says No HomerS. We're allowed to have one.

Not just chick shows. They're doing the same thing with season 4 of Venture Bros.

There was some great highs on Skeletal Lamping, but it mostly fell apart. I'm really digging False Priest so far; it's more focused.

They're all the same movie, anyway.

Wasn't she up for Lisbeth Salander?

Dragon was pretty good.

Yeah, what's with the backhanded Arkham Asylum compliment? I thought that was a great game, on all counts.

Fuck you, I'm eating!

Betty is worse than Hitler.

I'm anticipating their one-man show, Cobra Clutch.

It's not worth getting excited about yet. But hopefully, once stuff starts leaking out about it, it becomes the stuff of excitement.

Memento Mori
Jonathan Nolan also wrote the original story that his brother based Memento on.

"Townsfolk?" A role like that makes me think she isn't exactly a porn "star."

I was waiting for a book series about Kobayashi and Joey Chestnut.

Too many Famous Bowls will do that to you.

I'm totally with you on Florence. Late-1400s, under the Medici, and you've got Machiavelli, Leonardo, works commissioned for Michaelangelo and Boticelli. Dante lived a couple hundred years earlier. Not to mention all the gorgeous architecture, and the absolutely fantastic weather in Florence.

Or make gags about extremely tasteless gags. They could have had fun playing with the very idea of censorship.

I just call her "Annabelle" because she's shaped like a… she's the belle of the ball!