El Zilcho

My first Pullman was Spaceballs.

Ok, shut it down. Captain Caveman wins.

Jay Reatard was BOTH Biggie Smalls and Tupac Shakur. After conquering both east and west coast rap, he needed to prove himself in another arena.

Yeah, his music was only getting better. A shame we won't see where it was heading.

That would be awesome. Or if they told Ellen no thanks, and replaced her with Conan.

I remember G4 having it before IFC. I thought another channel had the rights before G4, though. Looks like G4 was the first though. Eh, they're pretty much the same channel as Spike, now.

I loved Rocko's Modern Life, and it seems to be kind of forgotten.


Oh, so you also got to listen to "Hallelujah" last night. Capped off with Archie's fiery ejaculate.

How about the least subversive kids' cartoons. I'll start with Wish Kid.

Yeah, that's the kind of metal I like best. I do like the brutality of a good snarling death metal song, but I like hearing lyrics more.

Yeah, I remember that brief time when they were The National Network, back when I still watched wrestling.

This looks far worse to me than Secret Girlfriend. And Secret Girlfriend was pretty darned horrible.

Yeah, I vaguely remember watching it, but I rememer it just being a Mighty Mouse cartoon. I did't really think there was anything deeper. Then again, I was 7 or 8, and a lot of the stuff probably flew over my head.

Which one? Bart vs. The Space Mutants or Bart vs. The World? They were both kind of insane and crummy.

Big 10 roundup.

It'll probably look better. Most of the time, the effects aren't finished until the movie is released. Trailers are kind of just slapped together.

On the other hand….
Face shoots down a fucking plane while the tank falls through the air after the plane the tank was in blows up.

Dominos barely qualified as food
But at least it sat well in an alcohol filled stomach. Though, it would have been nice to have different options back in college. Our town had one restaurant that was open until 3 am. Dominos.

I'm sorry, Oprah. I'm afraidI can't do that.