El Zilcho

My brother said the same thing. Grey Poupon isn't fancy. Hell, it has poop in the name!

Agreed. I am outraged at his slandering of my mustard of choice.

The guy asked for spicy mustard. It coulda be Gulden's for cryin' out loud!

Nixon… gets a burrito.

Looks like me and Zonker are the same person.

IV (I however, was not a whales fan)

Star Trek is full of studs for the ladies. All the dudes get is Uhura. But I'll take it.

She was a minor character in Pirates of the Carribean, right?

Yeah, I'm going to see it this weekend. Can't wait. TREK!

The Beastie Boys also began following me on Twitter after I talked about how much I like Paul's Boutique.

What killed that video for me, and forced me to stop it, was the use of Afroman.

You'd better look in the yellow pages under "Re-education Centers."

Wait wait wait. Was it Kedzie Matthews or Blueberryhead in that sketch?

That was Dax Shepard in Idiocracy.

Alec Baldwin is gold. You can put him in anything, and he'll punch it up.

Yeah, the whole Soviet battle plan seemed to be Send More Guys.

Digital is coming a long way. It used to look terrible, but it's getting closer to film all the time. And it has been a huge boon to indie filmmakers, because it is so much cheaper to record digitally than on film.

The entire genesis of Firefly seems to be Joss sitting down and realizing that cowboys in space would be awesome. And he was totally right.

Yeah, her episodes for The Office are always strong outings. I hope this ends up good.

Yeah. The first verse goes "I'm gonna give you my love." The second goes "I'm gonna give you every inch of my love."