El Zilcho

Gotta raise kids with TNG. If you raise 'em Kirk style, they'll want to punch their way out of situations. Picard will teach them that they can talk their way out of almost anything.

Now that I know who FotC are, I like picking out Bret in the movie. And while they aren't as good as the books, they are pretty awesome. And take a lot less time than reading all of 'em again.

YES! Bond! I can't remember how much Bond my dad and I would watch back when TBS had the rights to all the movies. But even a bad Bond is enjoyable to me. Even Moonraker.

The Wind in the Willows is great. I hope I still have my copy from when I was a lad, so I can pass it down if I ever spawn.

The PBS show that my dad got me into was Doctor Who. Pledge Drive season was the best. It meant staying up until 3 am watching Cybermen and Daleks.

My dad wasn't really a fantasy guy, but mom was. She bought me The Hobbit when I was in kindergarten. I raced through it, and as soon as I finished, I found The Lord of the Rings waiting for me.

When I first got a CD burner, and Napster, my parents bombarded me with requests. Mom wanted Motown. Dad wanted the Stones.

Dads have to teach their boys to defend themselves. I got in a couple fights in school, because I was (okay, am) a nerd, and bullies like beating on nerds. I was glad to have that fightin' education from my dad so I could put those guys down.

Same here, Chubby. I fought tooth and nail as a kid to make The Simpsons required household watching. And though they resisted at first, my parents eventually came around. Which is good, because The Simpsons is arguably the most important show of the 1990s, and I'm glad I was right there with it.

Ghostbusters was a favorite as a kid. And one of my favorite possessions is only worth about 5 bucks, tops. It's a poster for Batman, with Jack Nicholson sitting on the beach with Smilex. Jack was my dad's favorite actor, and The Joker maybe his favorite role of his, so I'm glad to have it.

We weren't a religious family, which I have to thank for my eventual conversion to atheism. That's something my mum regrets, that we should have gone to church more. I think I would have ended up at the same place anyway.

I have both my parents to thank for my love of sci-fi. I grew up on the Stars Wars and Trek. Also, my dad and I shared a love for Young Frankenstein over all over Mel Brooks movies.

"Rocky V, that was the fifth one. So Rocky V, plus Rocky II, equals Rocky VII: Adrian's Revenge!"

The first few commercials didn't mention Affleck at all, but I think they've been playing him up in the latest batch.

Would you accept Sandra Bullock?

Michael Caine will do anything for a buck.
Like Jaws The Revenge.

The Hot Chick.

And it was more terrible than early-Soul Asylum? It's got to be pretty bad.

According to Wikipedia, it's WOOD-house. That sucks.

Aw, people wouldn't be saying that Pats fans are douchebags 10 years ago. Y'all only hate us because the Pats win.