El Zilcho

I've never heard of Detroit Metal City, but I hope KISS are involved somehow.

I never finished the series, but I really should. There were twists that you didn't expect, though.

The only Running Man I need stars Richard Dawson.

Yeah, Trigun is pretty great. Unfortunately, they don't sell the complete box set anymore. But Wolfwood is so completely badass.

I assume that Willis is taking the Robin Williams role of the crazy cut up, and Tracy will be Gandolfini's by-the-book hardass.

But it doesn't need to be successful for Amazon. They already sell the Kindle. They're just giving people the option to buy ebooks if they have an iPhone, but it's no extra work on Amazon's part. They just grow their customer base. If what you're saying is true, and people will only use ebooks with an ebook

Was he surprised when Kevin Costner wasn't in The Hudsucker Proxy?

Fun With Dick and Jane?

*sigh* I miss the Weekly World News. It was always good for a laugh while standing in line.

I've long wanted to see Who Dat Ninja?!

It's like I said in my hit comedy Cruise Boat, "I'm getting too old for this ship!"

Oh, I'm not hostile about the iPhone, I certainly didn't mean to come off that way. I mean, it seems kinda cool, if a bit useless for me. I just need a phone that's a phone, that's all. I'm rarely very far from a computer, so if I need internet, it's only a few steps away. Maybe if I spent less time at home and

I also refuse to get one. I want my phone to be one thing. A phone. That's it. I don't need a camera, or internet access, or text messaging, or any of that crap. I need a speaker and a microphone so I can talk to people when they call. That's all.

I agree. There are books I could read on my computer, but it sucks. When I want to read a book, I want to read a book on paper.

My copy keeps going MIA when I loan it to people, and then they loan it to people. Eventually, it always makes its way back.

My hurm sucks, so I could never play Rorschach.

I'm hopefully going Saturday. I just can't miss BSG two weeks in a row.

beer mixed with his her crap? That sounds horrid.

He joins the ranks of great Kowalskis. Stanley, Killer, the list goes on.

Pfft. From my research, no girls like passionate kissing. I dunno where Fling found all of them, but they sure don't live around here.