El Zilcho

Well, I'm enjoying it
But I can definitely see the problem with flow. Which is strange in an episode about timing, unless it's intentional (I doubt it). Still, I'd give it a B- based on this episode, with the potential for great improvement.

Yeah, I think Demitri Martin is great, but that joke sucks.

Grindhouse was made for drunken movie-watching. Why do they feel the need to deny us that at home?

If it wasn't the first, zircona, it was at least the first that got major buzz for being unrated.

Exactly, Curly. It's just a marketing device. Even if they just add a few seconds that weren't in the theatrical cut, the movie is "unrated."

People've told me Eurotrip is good. When I ask why, they say that Matt Damon is really funny in it. I haven't seen the movie, but isn't he only in it for a few minutes?

There were girls dressed up in skimpy sterotypical Indian garb. Offensive, yes, but also kinda hot.

Can I call my country a "count?" That'd be a fantastic wrestling name in the 1980s. Who wouldn't want to see The Iron Sheik feud with Count America?

They have it all wrong. You're supposed to use feces and money to make yourself feel superior to other people, not for a quick joke.

I'll chide myself…

Yeah, I enjoyed Death Proof immensely in the theater, but I haven't seen the extended cut.

The best college party I went to was when I visited a friend in Syracuse. They had a Cowboys and Indians party. The decor was a bunch of Troy Aikman posters that they got at the dollar store. This was in the mid-2000s, when Troy Aikman was no longer relevant, at least not for playing football.

I started watching clips, but had to stop when boobs showed up. I'm at work, y'know.

Yeah, you yell "PARTY" prior to there being a party, as to get the party started.

I saw National Lampoon's Barely Legal over the weekend
It was pretty terrible, but strangely addictive.

It's like kissing a peanut!

Old The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe - Once a king or queen of Narnia, always a king or queen.

You should have asked him about his role in Fargo as "Soap Opera Actor on TV."

You're wrong about those Teleflora ads
They are very tolerable.

My biggest problem with Wyvern was that the backwoods sherrif was calling the thing a wyvern. Seriously, wouldn't most people look at that thing and say "dragon?"