El Zilcho

I made a pillow shaped like a shark. My brother made the same pillow a few years later.

Yep, he told Harris and Olivia that he could have killed Olivia long ago.

Naw, the best Creed moment wasn't even spoken. It was when he handed Jim a 3 dollar bill.

I would have liked it more if they left it a little more ambiguous as to whether Olivia turned off the lights, or it was programmed to make her think she did.

Naw, Terminal Invasion was pretty bad. Alien Apocalypse, however, is fantastic.

Yeah, but it isn't silly, just balls-out awesome.

Your sister must a a douchebag. No offense intended, but it is the only type of person that wears Axe.

You've only seen the first season, Goblin King? You're in for a treat, the show gets better in season 2.

My favorite is Army of Darkness, mainly because it was the first one I saw. I remember seeing it right around the time it came out, so it's a childhood memory for me. I didn't see the other two until high school. While I think they're great, I don't get that sense of nostalgia from them.

Yeah, Bruce Campbell is one of those guys that really should have blown up but just didn't, for one reason or another.

His book is really good. I'd recommend it to anybody.

It's "Oh my gawd, look at her butt."

Yeah, but what'd you do? Did you have to call up the person who last had the cape the night before? Kinda takes the surprise out.

There you have it, fishbulb.

Isn't that just like a chocolate orange?

I'm going with that dark horse, Wolinsky.

Genevieve looks downright offended by whatever's happening.

Wouldn't it be great if Hershey didn't own KitKat here?
Then we could have all these weird Nestle flavors?

"The taste and texture remind me of my last bukkake experience."
Wait, what?

I thought it was a cape as well. You hear that, Chang? Capes are back!