She wasn’t smiling because there was nothing funny or joyful happening. What the absolute fuck. I’m sorry, you know, I’m not even really a Clinton fan and I really don’t jump to her defense at every occasion, but this is some sexist fucking bullshit. This is a woman who has held some of the highest offices and…
Can we just stop talking about She Who Must Not Be Named? It doesn’t matter to her if the press she gets is unflattering, she just wants the attention. If we ignore her she will go away.
I served you chicken last week so to ask me to edit and publish this now was a bold move.
“Cunt” is the shaved truffles of swear words.
This guy definitely is the top specimen for the neo-nazi crowd. I honestly thought he was younger that’s why he was so stupid but again you can’t change stupid with age.
Saw this story yesterday and was thoroughly delighted.
It’s naive to think that a public figure’s totally public, verified twitter account isn’t a part of their pr machine and an extension of their media relations. If he didn’t want “the media” to quickly print his words- he shouldn’t be on twitter.
Yeah, let me bitch about the media through media because the words I spoke to media was understood for what they meant and relayed on media.
Okay Blake
This quote from Neil Gaiman about political correctness has stuck with me:
“Maybe you should just try a teeny tiny bit to not express your thoughts in ways that actively hurt other people?”
For the first time in history, white men have to occasionally, just a tiny bit, think before they speak and be questioned about their words and beliefs. This is the “political correctness” everyone is whining about. How dare people that they’ve always been able to oppress, insult, laugh at, or dismiss demand respect…
“Political correctness” has existed as long as humans have. There have always been people you didn’t dare disrespect. The only difference now is, more people are demanding their rightful respect. Boo hoo.
Riz is Pakistani (desi, not Arab) and he is friends with my IRL boyfriend so writing *this* type of shit about that guy would be weird
i just want to say, as an arab, i love that there is an arab leading man that is about to be the internet’s boyfriend, and his arab-ness is not a thing that is discussed or pointed out or whatever. he happens to be arab. he is mostly hot. i am so happy.
I absolutely did mention that, but yes, that’s very true.