So in your part of the country, you also enjoy the freedom the be defensive and fragile?
So in your part of the country, you also enjoy the freedom the be defensive and fragile?
Where I’m from if I don’t like the way a movie looks, I don’t go see it. I hope they offer you the same freedom where you live. Good luck!
Eryka Badu-gooder!
People should send them tampons and pads “just to make sure”.
One thing I think people may have missed: I’m pretty sure Lyanna Mormont’s speech wasn’t a spur of the moment thing. Sansa told her to do it.
The truly sad thing is that had to deliver their own pink slips.
Jesus you use a lot of commas.
Once you are raped, I mean a real rape, not a fake rape, you’ve got to wear a turtleneck, pants, and a poncho over all of that in perpetuity. How dare you show any skin. It’s like you’re just asking to be raped again! ugh. UGH!
I swear to dog, if you dig down into these attitudes it always boils down to a modern day ducking. A woman, even if the only reason you know her name is because she was the victim of a crime, is only truly innocent if she dies. If she lives, she’s still a witch and it’s somehow all her fault.
Don’t have a rage stroke! Lemme help you calm down.
Right?! What the fuck? How can someone going to a party a year after a gang rape be used against them? So, she wasn’t destroyed enough to stop attempting to have a normal life so fuck her and her case? This asshole.
Persky made a controversial evidentiary ruling which allowed the jury to view seven photographs of the alleged victim “partying about a year or so after the alleged gang rape. In the photos, she is scantily clad, wearing a garter belt and what appear to be fishnet stockings.”
Though the De Anza case didn’t go “viral,” it speaks, perhaps, to the contradictions of a judge who campaigned as tough on sexual predators and a vocal advocate of victims.
2016 America: Where a 12-year old boy is shot and killed by the police for playing with a toy and it’s his fault because he should have “known” that people would see him as a threat, while a full-grown adult who rapes an unconscious woman and tries to flee should only have to endure a couple months of jail because…
It’s completely splitting hairs, rape is rape, but he only digitally penetrated her (as far as anyone knows)
Probs couldn’t get into Stanford on merit, methinks.
What the hell is wrong with every person in convicted rapist, Brock Turner’s life?
“Rape on campuses isn’t always because people are rapists.”
i’m so conflicted about chad because like, he is SUCH a chad, but i also definitely agree with what he’s saying (that it’s super weird to be ~in love~ with someone you met in a group home 24 hours ago) but also, you’re participating in it, chad, and you’re being a real dick while you do it!
I can’t believe I’m doing this, but her full comments were actually pretty good. The basic run down was “I don’t find rape jokes funny, especially when made by an MC who joked about rape and Hitler in the same three minutes” and “I don’t want to comment on something I haven’t read yet, since I’ve been busy all day and…