
The rumors are that the female protagonist of P3 will not be featured, but I’m hoping against all hope that it’s not true. I really, truly, fell in love with the game when I played P3P for the first time back on PSP, and really want to see her again!

I’m not surprised as this has been the status-quo since P4 on PS2. At this point it continues the joke of ATLUS milking as much as it can from a previous entry before getting to the next one, right? And noting that I don’t mind them, but sales must be great if they’re keeping it up. Back in the day, waiting anxiously

I was MESMERIZED watching him- the animation, the colors, I swear it was like fireworks. I went home immediately and started some fanart. This movie reminded me of my passion for art, and to see beautiful things. I appreciate it so much!

Yeah I’m feeling crazy here because I’ve used the normal app for ages. I never had any big issues that I can think of?

I relate. Back when I had an annual pass, my favorite thing to do was just go to a park in the afternoon or early morning (depending on my shift) and chill. Sit on a bench, grab a snack, people watch and enjoy the piped smells. Maybe ride one ride, then leave. It was the BEST.

YESSS gotta love the internet, knowing this is a comfort. Thank you!!

This sincerely makes me sad. I know the whole spiel about “you know CDs these days are basically just a download right”, but I cherish my physical collection a lot. Especially when I have gems like Rule of Rose, Gregory Horror Show, the original Rhapsody on PS1, etc.

I *think* they’re taking a jab at the fact that in the first version of RE4, the ganado were clearly dubbed by Latin Americans and not Spaniards (which was corrected in the remake).

Ewww you’re right, I had forgotten about the fainting/fear part too! gross.

Same and same! back in the day I remember reveling in Silent Hill being a female-led horror movie, as I wasn’t exposed to many examples of that growing up (I kept staring, mesmerized, at Laurie Holden. Then I realized I was queer lol). I nostalgically shiver at the line, “Mother is God in the eyes of a child”.

I’m not surprised. In Fatal Frame: Maiden of Black Water, they bring back one of the characters of the previous games and try some sort of “ghostly magic” justification as to why she still looks 20 (despite 20 years having passed). God forbid this character have a wrinkle. 

I played it on the the Wii back when the fan translation came out (shoutout to the Beyond The Cameras Lens forum, the true cradle of Western Fatal Frame fandom). Now that I’ve been playing it on PS4, I can definitely confirm that:

Wii was definitely king! I say this as someone who stuck with Sony consoles since PS1, but if you were someone who loved JRPGs, Survival Horror or Rhythm Games, they were sooo dead in the world of PS3/360. Which was especially frustrating for me, as those were my college years where I could finally start slowly

Same on the stress! As a a person who enjoys a good cozy game I get recommended Stardew Valley a lot, but I found it overcomplicated and too time-limited for my lil head. I respect the hell out of it, but I fare better with Animal Crossing. 

I also recommend GrimGrimoire! (PS2 game that’s getting a re-release with QOL improvements around April, called GrimGrimoire OnceMore). It’s a fun, beautiful Vanillaware strategy game that takes place in a Magic School, with a dash of Groundhog Day shenanigans.

I hate this discourse so damn much- because this shouldn’t even be a debate. My mother was on blood pressure medication when I was born. The choices were: go off them and risk a heart attack, or bottle feed me. Since she’s still alive, I think we all know which path she chose.

Thank you for flagging these organizations! I wanted to let you know it doesn’t go unheard, I just donated to both of them. 

I agree- I have an entire rant about how trafficking has become an over-inflated boogeyman. Traffickers are highly unlikely to get into elaborate, suspicious behaviors that could be sniffed out, like say...being 29 and pretending to be a teenager, in plain sight of many teachers, faculty members, and possibly guards.

This is so cliche’d that he literally did everything the “crazed fans” do to a celebrity player on the Sims Fame expansion. Jesus that’s terrifying, I can’t imagine how much that has to suck- hope the restraining order keeps him away :( 

No but fr, I too couldn’t understand the mockery of Miss USA’s outfit- I thought it was huge, campy and FUN. Especially compared to some of the more underwhelming looks.