
Ok but, if you really, really, really, really, absolutely NEED a gender reveal party...what’s wrong with cutting into a cake? Opening a box with a note in it? At the very worst, maybe popping a regular balloon with blue confetti or whatever. Why does it have to be these explosive, dangerous stunts??? 

If it weren’t for auto pay I’d forget every dang month, ADHD is a bench to live with. No biggie. 

Hell I’m a full-blown 90s baby but remember polio and rubella running rampant in my country (Brazil). It was only when the government spearheaded a full-blown vaccination campaign did things get normalized in the early 2000s if I recall correctly- so whenever I see clowns telling me the horrors of vaccines, I just

Very mixed bag in my experience! I’m from Brazil and sometimes people wear shoes in the house too (memories of my dad coming home from his walks and just keeping his sneakers on while having lunch). Now in the US I meet some people who don’t care, and others who are very fussy about it. I’m in camp B- why wear my

I seriously need them to re-release Lollipop Chainsaw with tighter combat, that was the one thing that held me back during that game. I still loved the style and premise, and I wish it’d come back! 

hold up hold up did someone just ask me about my hyperfocuses? cool lemme get my list

*The Fatal Frame series in general, for having original, interesting horror gameplay but seemingly forgotten after nintendo bought it.

*Haunting Ground- plays a little janky but the sheer amount of content in that game, with no load

I don’t really follow her, but I think it makes sense; if you have 13.7 million followers and just bounce with no explanation, it turns into a creepy rumor mill for weeks. Better to just say you’re on your way out, clarify the reasons so no one misinterprets you, and just logout. 

Awww, this reminds me that I wouldn’t shut up about how excited I was about Persona 5...so my boss just gave me the the launch day off. It was really nice of her, I miss that job.

Ooof don’t get me started on 5, I have a full powerpoint of issues with that game, starting by the ridiculous GB size (I feel you!!), all the way to some of the content in that story. If by some miracle we get a Fatal Frame 6, I hope they learn from their mistakes with 5. 

Yup, although I will note the Xbox versions are pretty expensive (since they’re rarer and pack more content than the original, and not available for digital purchase) and FF2 on Wii was only released in the EU if you want to play it in English, which is complicated if you want to go full-legit and not get a modded Wii

Yeah the Fatal Frame community is freaking out, since their ports on PS3 were one of the last ways you could legally play the first 3 beloved games. Since Nintendo bought the IP, it seems it gave up after 5 (which still hasn’t been ported to switch, and still costs over 50 bucks on the WiiU storefront).

At this point,

Birds of Prey- man if I knew it’d be my last gasp before the panini I would’ve appreciated it more :( 

I can’t be the only one who said “Aoyama-Itchōme”  with the same inflection as the English dub subway announcer from Persona 5 right? 

Idols in Japan are required to be single (to quote Japan Today, “if word gets out that an idol singer has a boyfriend, her fans will feel betrayed that she isn’t solely devoted to her role as a musician and entertainer, and thus stop buying her CDs”).

Hence the controversy of her trying to date while still being a

I don’t think enough people bring that up! My partner is hard of hearing, and between the weird sound mixing and honestly, just the score on its own.... it became literally painful to watch. We went in truly wanting to like it, but came out pissed haha

Funnily enough, I learned the word through the *Princess Diaries book series* of all things; Mia’s best friend Lily is Jewish, and at one point (I believe it’s during some conversation on racism? its been a while) she talks about how Lily was called the “k word” by one of the high school bullies.

I’m a small town Brazilian gal that moved to a big city in the US, and at first I was so awed by the people I was meeting from those big universities like Yale and Harvard.

I’ve been introduced to extraordinary and kind people, but I was also shocked by the absolute bag of hammers I met. I used to have a bit of a

Disclaimer: I’m lucky this worked out because this was bananapants to do.

I love the PS2 and still have/play on mine as regularly as any other console on my house!

I just love that library and console generation, especially in the Survival Horror genre. I know there are fantastic indie titles, and up-and-coming teams bringing in original games today but...is there anything quite like those

I can’t tell you how horrified I was to learn this, especially while watching reruns of the Amanda show; I had no idea the “Love you Dan!” she yells in the intro was for this guy, it’s so gross now that I know.