
Honestly, I’m the kind of person who adores watching people play as much as playing*. Can never play games again? No problem boblem, I’ll youtube some Let’s Plays to get my fix.

*does not apply to dance games

I swear if it gets a switch release, that is what’ll make me finally get the console. I couldn’t be bothered with a WiiU, but Switch is getting enough titles I’m interested in. Bay would seal the deal.

I can think of two instances honestly: The first game (nay, first *thing*) I ever saved up for at age 7: The Sims Deluxe edition, which I played religiously.

The second time I remember “buying a game for the first time” was when I finally had my own credit card and bought The Cave on PSN when it was released. FELT

A Re-release of Rule of Rose for ps4, with updated graphics, gameplay, and a clearer story.

oof one of my worst save losses was Persona related too.

It was highly ironic because I was playing the original vanilla P4 on PS2 during the night and thought, for funsies, “ha, wouldn’t it be crazy if the power went out and I lost all this dungeon progress?”.

1 hour later. power goes off. so does my heart :(

Right? I wasn’t allowed to have a console as a kid/teenager because it would “distract me from math class” (HA! jokes on them! I failed math regardless of my lack of Playstation!) but it didn’t kill me. I played in friend’s houses, had a great childhood. PLUS it was so sooo satisfying once I got my first job, and

Mine is pretty abandoned too, tbh I mostly use it as a Persona machine (P3P and P4G); I’m sure, by your avatar, that you appreciate this decision :P

I actually pass by the one in DC a LOT; made me laugh when I saw it the first time haha

Don’t worry, I’ll be bitter for you >:C
My high levels of sodium aside, I cannot WAIT to play this game, most anticipated title EVER for me!

What’s amazing to me is that I was never an FF fan; I saw that intro at a friend’s house merely twice...and yet I remember the whole melody of the song, along with that “WHAT CAN I DO FOR YOU” in the beginning. Don’t know if it’s just me, but that’s some memorable music! xD

First time I saw that was with Juliette in Lollipop Chainsaw! you also get a trophy for it, though as a girl not interested in the female physique, felt weird man O_o

The one thing that has always annoyed me is that, well, Blanka is supposed to be Brazilian right? So why isn’t his name Branco?
(like, I know the story behind why it was eventually Blanka- bla bla bla translation from Japanese “Buranka” etc) but this has been eating at me for 20 years haha

So. Hm. Sometimes a person might want to stream shows/anime illegally and need to access the browser to see them on the screen, which they use their PS4 for.
This is a reason someone might use it.

This is my complaint with these limited edition flavors, I wish we could just get them in small rolls or something! Then I’d be buying them left and right to try everything.

This also reminds me of one I played back in the day, “Enzai: Falsely Accused”, I believe it came out a year before this one? that shit was really fucked up, yet as crappy teen I played it many times to get all the endings. Honestly I’m glad I see it with different eyes.

I love living in the future

Is this a bad time to tell you that Persona 5 is going to have dual audio? x’D

AWWW YEAHH, thanks for the info!!

*glares at you from the DC subway*
that’s seriously great, I hope they implement that in my city :c

I always wished someone would contact the developers to talk about the game, especially because they admitted it was only 80% complete with it. I wanted to know the mysteries behind that so bad! Is there any way Kotaku could do an interview?