
His wife probably has a VERY high threshold for his fuckery, or maybe low self-esteem. Also, things get waaaaaay too tangled up when you’re married and there might be other reasons why she may choose to stick around (the school thing for example).

I’m so sorry this happened to you. It is truly horrifying. Everyone here seems to have given some sage and compassionate advice. All I want to add is that a key part of healing when you’ve been lied to for so long is learning to stop looking for or making excuses for why the manipulative person acts the way they do.

You don’t seem angry, I think you should be angry. You kinda sound like if he called you and was all “baby baby baby” at you and “left his wife” you’d take him and girl, that’s not a good place to be. Maybe he’s doing you a favor by blocking you, no contact with this manipulative fucker is definitely the way to go.

My political babe at the moment is Rep. Kennedy. I know nothing about him, but what a fox. (And if he’s a douchebag, don’t tell me. Don’t kill this crush. I’m having a day! 😂😂)

Oh my god Bill Clinton’s mom is secretly 90s era Rogue from the X-Men.

Frankly, I can appreciate a nice body on anyone. Women or men. Whether or not I’d do the business with them is another thing entirely for me- some people are just fun to look at.

Praise God for the V and the happy trail.

Sober enough to stop unwanted advances?

I don’t understand how anyone even tries to justify this thought process. Why is there always an excuse made for male sexuality as if it is so animalistic that expecting men to control their desires is just out of the realm of possibility?

There is an entire school of thought out there that if a woman wears clothing

Not with the implication that if I did end up in a collision, I would should share the blame for it with a drunkard who hit me.

I’m drunk all the time. I don’t rape or molest people because of it or harangue anyone into sex they don’t want. Why is it always different for men? People will literally pretend men are subhuman or a separate species in order to avoid acknowledging rape culture. It’s easier to scream “sluts!” and “poor impulse

“Accept that as a woman, you will never be 100 percent safe around men.” This is the line that really got me. So we should just have to live in fear of men?? Parents raise your sons to be respectful and have self control, even when those hormones are surging.

When guys pass out drunk they get dicks drawn on their face. When girls get pass out drunk they’re violated to their core. No amount of not drinking is going to stop guys from getting wasted and turning into monsters.

The biggest problem with sexual assault awareness is the idea that it is equally possible that a crime occurred or a woman is making it up. False accusations happen, but are not higher than any other crime. If the accuser’s story has holes they should be met with skepticism but too often the skepticism comes

If a woman was too drunk to know what she was doing and should be excused for what happened, then why are men not allowed to be too drunk to make good decisions?

Well then, I have a suggestion, since apparently men can’t control their “urges” when they drink, men should banned from drinking alcohol. Right? Also, they should be accompanied at all times by a chaperone for the safety of society.

You know what makes the battle harder for victims of rape? People who defend rapists.

Every single fucking time. Drunk rapists can’t be held responsible for raping because they were drunk. But drunk rape victims have to accept that they are responsible for getting themselves raped — because they were drunk. Otherwise known as the Emily Yoffe principle.