
Thinking too much about this film is depressing. Years ago, at a convention, I met the actress who played young Aunt Beru in Star Wars Eps 2 & 3. She was very nice to her fans. She ended up married to one of that film's many co-directors/co-writers/co-producers.

What the Bleep Do We Know?
Pseudo science rubbish that generated a lot of money (and still does) for a cult. I had to sit through it because I went with a friend from church (we weren't even dating) and I was her ride home.

"With eyes that beautiful, how can you be that blind?"

You are correct - the doctor did that. It probably isn't admissible still.

Awww… it was great when Colonel Likken started realizing how tasty he was.

I think so.

With Jonathan Frakes, you only need to watch between season 2 and 3 of STTNG.

Doctor-patient confidentiality blocks that.

Chuck has behaved immorally numerous times. In earlier episodes, Chuck lied about their mother's last words and in that episode, to his ex-wife.

Howard is also a guy who has the interests of his employees. In Season 1, he appeared slick and conniving. He refused Jimmy's request that HHM buy out Chuck's share of the business, saying that HHM would need to fire a lot of employees if that happened.
Howard's participation in Chuck's schemes is probably to keep

I hope he retires to the Sex Farm after this. He can get away from all the electricity and electro-magnetic fields for the more sophistocated life.

Excellent point.

I think Howard said those were issues that the defense would raise if they tried to use it. NM still has one party consent on recording conversations.

Couldn't they have either:
a) parabolic microphone
b) microphone with no phantom power?

Jimmy's bigger problems are disbarment and imprisonment for trying to pervert the course of hustice by bribing a witness

It took me less than a minute to look up the laws on secretly recording a conversation in New Mexico.

Nah. The Replacements' versions on "Pleased to Meet Me" and the "Tim" outtakes are significantly better for different reasons. JTE just sounds a little too country easy listening.
To some people, including me, this song is about suicide. (I don't think the persona of the song is climbing up to the top of a water tower

The Japanese editions usually have lyrics.

This is a nitpick but it's "The Story of Yo La Tango". The deliberate misspelling refers to various venues misspelling their name early in their career.