
They are not following a traditional release system , they are doing modules and all sorts of other non beta shit.

The single player game will be immeasurably better for the delay.

It is called Star Citizen ‘Alpha’ 3.0. The Alpha is the keyword.

Alpha 3.0

Lmao. Digging these made up rules you just invented.

Alpha 3.0.

I don’t understand how anyone is so good at this game. Like, am I seriously the only person who loves 1st person shooters and happens to be terrible at BF1? 

They wanted to create an animatronic instead of a sock puppet which is fitting because star citizen’s flavor is realism. Gamers won’t “get it” because gamers really only drool and clap their hands at any thing that is edited together with a rock song.

It could have to do with several things:-

I think it’s been a while now since we reached a point where simply not bashing NMS is perceived as defending it or Hello Games.

It’s exactly what I expected it to be because I didn’t ride the hype train to woo woo ville. I wanted to fly around the universe, explore different worlds and see crazy wildlife, which is precisely what I’ve been doing for the last 60+ hours of game time:)

While it’s certainly not my go-to game, it’s been a lot of fun to pop in for an hour or two and putz around. The lack of direction or real progress was uncomfortable at first, but once I let that go and accepted that this is a casual space-ish game it’s been quite relaxing.

The game shines when you completely dismiss the thought of goals and objectives, and truly embrace the idea of being an explorer. I left my first planet quickly, because I wanted to see at least two of them before my Steam refund window ran out. And I haven’t left that second planet since then. I’ve even exploring

Oh, honey, baby, the curse words are just my rhetorical equivalency of fast travel. Your kicked your own ass when you jumped to the defense of a grammar nazi who had already had a detailed takedown of why he was actually just factually wrong about it because written incorrectly (they even used, golly gee, citations

I don’t coddle grammar nazi’s screwing with people. You and Valo can fuck off correcting colloquial language on the internet.


Or the behaviors being described are what she means by literally her boyfriend.

I’ve never heard anyone say “figuratively” in a normal sentence. It’s so anti-climactic.

Right? I came across these gravitino balls for the first time last night, upon arriving on a new, mostly barren, planet. Once I realised how much each one was worth I was like HOLY CRAP MUST STEAL THEM ALL.

It all depends on what your expectations are, really. I expected a Zen Garden with light survival elements that focused on exploration and that’s what I got, so I’m happy. I’m taking screenshots, learning alien languages, and generally just chilling out while discovering a unique path through the universe.