
Fully agreed with a few sidenotes. Roundabouts (and there are gazillions of those in old Blighty) are scary at first. As long as there is traffic, it’s easy because you are cattle and you just follow the traffic. But I found that on empty country lanes I had a tendency to revert to what I was used to- with potentially

Bwah? Of course my mom can drive in a foreign country. She has done so since 1953 and at 84, is still going strong. She has driven in all Western European countries, including the ones there they drive on the “wrong side”! Don’t diss my old mom bro, she has been exploring the world since your parents were in nappies.

I’ve got a better idea! I suggest we castrate all boys at birth. Apart from a select few kept permanently under lock and key as breeding studs. Violent crime would go down 90% and any females desiring a child will be issued sperm samples after passing genetic and psychological tests.

Ah, Angela Lansbury, my imaginary granny! Bless her!

Yes, the Dutch totally did that. Oh wait, they have nothing to do with this. Why do I even try to reason with you, moron?

This is a perfectly common summer drink on the European continent. Very refreshing. Also- in Belgium and the Netherlands it is very common to pour shot of grenadine in your beer. It’s known as a smoske or a tango.

fragile, emotional creatures. It’s good they have us to take care of them. ;)

There’s a link to a recipe in the post. It’s a soup that is usually made with two types of mustard (a ground one and one with intact mustard seeds, cream, bacon bits, usually onions or leek as well. Should be creamy and hearty.

I beg to differ...Dutch pea soup is definitely a meal. It is also undeniably a soup! That goes for other soups as well... A good French onion soup will leave no room for anything else.

As an eternal Grey (wrong time zone, I guess) I applaud your initiative!

Not to mention the sounds of”evil violent autist” I’m getting from various armchair psychiatrists...

*wince* I’m glad that for me it was just deodorant stick on the toothbrush...

The pessimist part of me came up with the same explanation. Poor thing...

I have put deodorant on my tooth brush on multiple occasions...

I go to London once a year and have been doing so for 25 years. And the east, the area around Brick Lane, Spitalfields- always shifting, always something new. A strong sense of community, wave after wave of immigration, and a cool factor that comes with contrast and change. There are plenty of real problems in London,

My Dolores Umbridge was part of the board of directives of a hospital. Her quest was keeping the hospital’s volunteers to as strict a set of rules as the paid workers. First, she demanded that everyone start work half an hour earlier- to be recorded by a time clock. Then she sent away everyone over 70 for being too

Let’s comfort each other and shed a few tears about this existential limbo that we are seemingly stuck in forever...

I like that. That actually has meaning beyond just an expensive bit of crystallized carbon.

Short and sweet like a sledgehammer to the cranium.