I have one word of advice on saving. Don’t put the money that is left at the end of the month in the bank. Instead, have your bank automatically put a realistic amount of money in a savings account every month on the day your pay comes in.
I have one word of advice on saving. Don’t put the money that is left at the end of the month in the bank. Instead, have your bank automatically put a realistic amount of money in a savings account every month on the day your pay comes in.
Seconded as a European. Going to a restaurant is about more than just food; it’s a social event. If I get the impression that the waiters want me to leave as quick as possible and take away my plate before I’m ready I do not return to that particular restaurant. On the other hand, of course, when a place is very busy…
So they have just been pretending they were dead?
Leave my favourite German teleporter out of this! BAMF!
It’s van de Velde. The prefixes in Dutch names are never capitalized.
I hope it’s a good story. On the other hand, I hope they never explain Lion. Lion just is.
You’re kidding me, right? You sound like you have never travelled abroad once in your life. You have only ever been in places where you happen to speak the dominant language... And now you expect that the whole world speaks exactly that. That is not how it works! I hope you never come to Europe, you would be in for a…
I think you deserve it. I’m afraid I will never be so worthy...
Agreed, but the best come uppance is that her racist rant is now seen by half the planet! Spread the word...
A bit like my 83 year old Dutch mom when she cheerfully admits that she and her dad totally hated the Jews before the Germans invaded (“They were just smarter than everyone else and kind of rich so we hated them”).
And Hollister obviously! :-D
Ew yikes. Fortunately they are not common in this part of the world... But then there is, what’s their name...Hollister! Ew.
I hate Lush. You can smell their shop from the other side of the street. Who else would get away with being that obnoxious?
Actually, the thought that nothing of me will be left after I die, and all pain and suffering as well as all joy and knowledge acquired will be gone when I die is something of great relief to me. I will leave the world without my mark, except maybe fore a few beloved people who remember me. It is something I can live…
Blessed we are with Eternal Grace!
Just thousands? What a dissapointing effort. He needs to squeeze the faithful harder!
And I think Matt Smith would be brilliant at that off kilter sense of humor. Prince Phillip is totally offensive, and completely hilarious. And he has the look, I think. I think it is inspired casting.
I like Miley. Not into pop much, but she seems to be in charge behind her facade of playful tastelesness. Go Miley, and stick it to them.
I think you should not worry about this “cultural appropriation” thing and just wear what you find beautiful. Women today should no longer put up with other people’s attempts to shame them into not wearing certain clothes or certain hairstyles... Just don’t allow others to cripple your self expression because of their…