
Seriously, why would I inform you of anything? After nearly a year of contributing to the discussion on this site and still being in the greys, I doubt there is anything I could say that is interesting enough for you. You treat a large section of your readers as second hand citizens- In my case because I happen to be

Big problem in Amsterdam as well. Also, what is it with Americans and throwing coins in ponds? A copper coin can badly stain marble, and nobody should throw anything in a pond that has fish in it. Dear tourists, please only do this in designated places!

Boy, I hope it comes including face-melting entity!

Gosh, it’s like her mouth is gravitating towards the center of the Earth while her eyebrows are being raptured towards the heavens. Nice frock though!

Aye. Jewish? Great! But it’s fundamentalism of any kind that gets me every time. As a native of the Jewish ‘hood of Antwerp I get to see Jewish daily life close up. Nobody has ever bothered me, and I appreciate that. I take poorly to people who try to force their religious views on me, and with Hasidim Jews, that is

That’s something that bothers me about living in the Jewish quarter of Antwerp, Belgium- somebody is blacking out women that appear on advertisements on the bus stops with black paint. This has been going on for years. Considering the location of these bus stops in the part of town with the highest concentration of

Oh yes shit just hit the fan.

Could have been worse. They could have been named “Lucky”!

There have been a few in Belgium. There was the case of a Belgian-Nigerian lad, Jejoen Bontinck for one. Also, there’s a lad of mixed background named Brian De Mulder who is in Syria (dead or alive) and got 5 years in absence in the Sharia4Belgium trail.

There’s also another category- converts. Often middle class white kids from nice families who were searching for something- and then they found this, and feel they have to take it as far as it can go.

Well it appears that the only person in this tale that said that she does not have the right to have any more children is mother Nature herself. This woman’s natural ability to have children was extended trough artificial means by roughly 20 years. That is a problem- nature puts a limit on this, and it does so for

I’m 45, my parents were 40 when they had me, my grandparents were in their 40’s when they had my mom- Let’s just say that all of my grandparents were born before 1900. It happens.

Thank you for the information!

I read somewhere that airbags made for the US market are more explosive than those sold elsewhere because in the US wearing seat-belts is not mandatory, and they put extra heavy duty airbags in cars to make up for that. Is that true?

Also, there were ladies who specialized in repairing ladders in tights. For a couple of cents your priceless nylons were saved! Talk about a lost skill... I guess they were as common as cracked iPhone screen fixers are now.

Now playing

Yes, you can ask for cutlery at mcDo’s in Europe, and they will give you a disposable plastic knife and fork. I sometimes eat there with my mom and she simply will not eat with her hands in a restaurant- any kind of restaurant. This happened several times in different restaurants and they were always able to supply

I was an interior designer looking for a job, so I walked into a shop selling design furniture and asked if they were in need of an adviser/salesperson. The chap told me that yes, in fact they were looking for somebody “ ...but we don’t hire women any more, as they all get pregnant”.

That is not EU approved safety footwear! These young female workers seem to have serious spinal injuries and yet they are forced to perform heavy physical labour on slippery floors! Where is a health and safety inspector when you need one?

It’s the power of suggestion and lighting and maybe some air streams. I’ve been there, no idea what the fuss was about. I frankly felt cheated- it’s just a tourist trap with a theatrical tour guide making up stuff. Of course there are no ghosts, because... there are no ghosts, duh! At least Mary King’s Close was

The South Bridge Vaults! Did the walking tour there once. The guide sure milked it for all it was worth, because there really wasn’t much to see there. It’s an act they do, nothing more and nothing less. A way to make money from tourists. The power of suggestion can be a depressing thing sometimes.