
And so the cycle of violence continues.

Always liked the first Twingo. It had a personality that the current version lacks.

There was a time when it was a common sight to see women begging in the streets of Brussels with a baby or toddler (always mysteriously deep asleep) in their arms. I think the police are arresting these women (who are usually not the mother!) and putting the children into care. There’s a disgusting system behind this

Same here. I don’t give to beggars, but I will give to organizations helping the homeless. Where I live, Western Europe, there is a big problem with organized gangs exploiting poor people from Eastern Europe, often the very young and old, the deformed- it’s heart breaking, but all that giving to them accomplishes is

A couple of Eptesticus fuscus came out of a shipping container full of wood coming from South Carolina and arriving in Antwerp, Belgium last month. Unfortunately one of them didn’t make it, and the other one is being taken care of by a local bird rescue operation. They are looking into ways of shipping the critter

My local IKEA (Wilrijk, Belgium) had a few beehives placed on a flat roof overlooked by the restaurant. The bees have their hives inside of two Hemnes chests of drawers, in fact. I wonder how this fits into IKEA's well under way plans for world domination.

I stood behind my mom at a security check at João Paulo II airport, Azores, Portugal, once while an officer lifted a very sharp fruit knife out of her handbag. It was confiscated while she protested hard (“... but, how am I going to peel this apple?”). Nothing came of this, they just took the knife and she if miffed

Probably an unpopular opinion, essence maximum definition works great for me. This is an European supermarket brand that sells under 3 euros...

Probably an unpopular opinion, essence maximum definition works great for me. This is an European supermarket brand

Goddamn I'm so glad I live in Europe where people actually get paid and I don't have to put up with this BS!

I was a terrible person when I first visited the US of A in the 90's and was blissfully unaware of this whole tipping thing. They must have hated me. And what a lousy system it is. I have no excuse now, but I also can't seem to find a reason to go back...And this is one of the reasons for that.

Hello, Europe calling- You are supposed to use the cutlery that comes with your meal here, even when it's just a pizza. No cutlery and you can eat with your hands!

Also, the French word for lobster is "homard", h is silent. so it's an 'omard 'omage.

She still has nothing on Angela Merkel.

There is also speculation that this is a tame bird that escaped from a falconer or zoo and has no fear for humans. This is a type of bird that you may find in a national park, but not near an urbanized area like Purmerend.

I've had two first generation smarts. The first one I had was supposed to be automatic, but once I got it, it was semi-automatic, which meant no clutch pedal, but you still had to tip the stick up and down to get the right gear. I hated it, I was used to driving stick, but in this car I could not "feel" when to

Wheras blue herons are the douchebags of the avian kingdom. They sort of deserve each other- one has a foul temper and infinite amounts of sprayable poo, and the other is a murder machine that has the most noxious excrement known to man, and is able to fire it with pin-point precision.

But, but, but, sweetbread is amazing! It has the most wonderful soft velvety texture and when prepared well (which is admittedly hard. I only eat his in restaurants) it has a slightly crispy outside. Also, calf liver with bacon and onions: heaven. And nice little fried chicken livers...I do not say no. And then, horse

I thought Inbev was a Belgian company. I looked it up, it is the result of a merger between a Brazillian company and a Belgian company, Interbrew. You may not like them and they are huge, but there are some fine beers among the 200 brands they own.

Brilliant take on gentrification long before the word was invented.

Well, France isn't exactly racist-free. If you and your family can survive in France, they should be OK in the USA. There's idiots everywhere, but the behavior of the gentleman in this story did not exactly meet acceptance. There is racism in the US, but there is also strong opposition against it.