
Wait until they find out he’s anti-pedophilia.

What the fuck?

Reminds me of that whole build the wall scheme. After it was found out that the guys were using the money on themselves intead of building their precious wall the donators didn’t really care. As long as the money was being used to own the libs they were happy.

given how aggressively stupid humanity has shown itself to be in the last 5-10 years, it would make perfect sense if our history ended with “while trying to corral the pandemic, they killed off many more people with type 2 diabetes”

If it wasn’t racially motivated, why didn’t he attack a dildo/sex shop or a strip club?

Boomer here. WTF. I am getting damned sick and tired of people tossing out “Boomer” as the root cause of all that is wrong with the world. Guess what? There are shitty people in EVERY generation, including yours, you stupid twat. This horrific, abusive “school” has less to do with the age of the perpetrators than it

Shut up, Grimey.

I would probably have Lisa down for a full ride scholarship to the college of her choice.

Well, after 32 years, their mortgage has probably been paid off, he’s had the same car since the 80s, his kids go to public school, he’s never going to have to pay for college tuition, and his only family vacations come in the form of road trips and contest prizes. The real lede here is that Homer is the kind of

You seem sane and rational.

Ummmmmm........ even if you hadn’t known anything about the film, if you’d WATCHED THE INTERVIEW you would know that the magical land they live in is comprised of many tribes with different cultures and distinctly different identities. And also...... are you Asian? Because I am, and let me tell you that representation

it’s an animated children’s movie set in a fictional world you fucking lunatic

Hahahaha, right?

The topic of us sisters with hair has been discussed ad nauseum. Is anyone going to address the blue contact lenses? 

“But even if he [Dr. Obeng] tells me after the six weeks, ‘Oh, you can put a relaxer in your hair again,’ I’m not even using relaxers anymore. Because at this point, I’m scared. I feel like at this point, if I put it on there, my hair is just gonna shrivel up and fall off. So I’m not even going to do that.”

And so ends a chapter in the life of a good woman who did a silly thing who simply did what everyone advises: “Ask for help.” Which she did. Let it be on the conscience of those who always seek ill in others first. Listen not to their shrill tweeting.

Incorrect. Avatar is leagues ahead of Korra. But then, these are subjective judgments, aren’t they? You like what you like. And don’t like what you don’t like.


The cons I've been to have been really respectful with regards to more revealing cosplay. I've never heard someone called a slut, and I wouldn't expect to. It should never be regarded as "normal" to treat someone this way, nor should it be expected. As for your view that girls don't like comics and only play casual