
Stroopwakels though. Have you tried stroopwafels (which is the proper spelling in the Dutch language!)

IKEA sells one like that that is flatter and cheaper. It’s called rödeby.

IKEA sells one like that that is flatter and cheaper. It’s called rödeby.

I really enjoyed this show!

blah. please remove.

That may also play a role. There may be several factors, but strings and hairs probably play a large role.

Tangleweave. It will be floating around town in the form of tangleweave, ensnaring and cutting off the toes of filthy pigeons. Have you seen pigeons hobbling around on crippled feet? It’s usually not a disease, but something called a hair tourniquet, caused by human hair or other, artificial fibres.

As a fellow Autie, anti-vaxxers are one of the few subjest I feel hostile about. Damn them.

But I want to know more about the omelette. How does one screw up an omelette?

I have autism, my sister doesn’t. We don’t always fully understand each other, but I would have a very stern word with her if I found out that she opposes vaccination.

The thing is, it’s not perfect, and we like to complain about it, but I think that any Dutch person will have to admit we’ve got it pretty damn good compared to most of the rest of the world. Mental health care is a sore point. There’s room for improvement, but the reasons for the problems are too nuanced and

I’ve noticed that there is some improvement, and I think I can get a small amount of money back from the “mutualiteit” once a year. I need to look into that.

But it seems that this was after the second two murders. So I read that part of it wrong.

Well this is how I interpreted this story as it was printed in Belgian media. If it is the full truth remains to be seen as always. If it is true, they should have reported him.

It’s true. I’ve since moved to Belgium, not much difference here. I needed my womb out, fantastic care, paid something like 500 euros for the whole operation with care before and after, and am doing great. Seeking help as an adult with high functioning autism, forget it. I’ve found a great therapist at leat, but I

I think a lot of it is due to the many rules that are in place to protect the right of patients to make their own decisions, and to protect their privacy. While all of this may look nice on paper, it means that there is very little that can be done for patients who refuse help, and aren’t actively suicidal or

Having been trough the GGD, the publicly funded mental health service in the Netherlands, it stinks. Fysical health care is free and very good, but if you have a mental illness your only real option is pay for therapy in private. If you can’t that’s too bad- the GGD will only briefly hospitalize the most severe cases,

I’ve tried these. they slip right out, just like almost everything else. Super smooth slippery hair here...

I’ve tried these. they slip right out, just like almost everything else. Super smooth slippery hair here...

This is one Karen I can get behind

You know, a celebrity does not owe you his attention.