
Is it Skrillex? I think it was Skrillex and his army of home appliances.

I feel like the comments to this post just diminished your respect for us ... and ... maybe it should.

Too soon?

the only border on possibility is the one you create yourself. Open mind, infinite possibility.

Makes me nostalgic for the days when the internet was a trove of niche, informational, hobbyist websites. Remember "homepages"? Whatever you were idly curious about, somebody out there was really into it, and they made a crude html website devoted to it.

"Can somebody tell me what kind of a world we live in where a man dressed up as a bat gets all of my press? This town needs an enema!"

They got repurposed.


AM I THE ONLY ONE, WHO THINKS LUIGI'S AINT GOT NOTHIN' ON DK'S HAPPY FACE TO DEATH STARE!? Because trust me, once you see it, you don't forget.

So, yes, don't put these in your bottom. Is this a cheeky request from overprotective attorneys?

I think somebody moved the "Island" and ended up intercepting the path of the plane.

Friggin Locke just couldn't leave things alone...

OMG, I actually laughed out loud and *squeeed* like you *squee* at pictures of little pigs or goatlings or baby kittehs running around. SO FABULOUS THIS IS ALL THE FABULOUS SUCH FABULOUS

I bet Petyr follows that philosophy.

They're rolling in the hay, if you know what I mean.

Now I got that song stuck in my head.

Because Bread

When people say they hate spiders, kill them at first sight and don't appreciate what good they can do, this is what goes through my mind: