
In all fairness to that argument though most ev owners that hear it fail to provide a good counter argument like the one 2cvhoonage gave.

Slow down there.

1. All Xena and Gabrielle always talked about was how they are friends and then family.

2. I said it was implied which means it might have been or might not. And since neither you nor I were writers on the how we will never ever know for sure unless the explicitly come out and say it.

3.If this was

It’s all good :) I wasn’t sure myself, I understand it now though.

Libertarians do “buy into the whole small government, free market thing.” Except for the ones that got brainwashed by Sanders or Trump, but they not Libertarians any longer.

And not sure so I am going to say it anyway, liberal =/= libertarian. If I misunderstood you on this part then my apologies.

Soul mates doesn’t always mean romantically, a pair of people can be soul mates and still be friends. I mean yeah the whole lesbian think was implied but it still doesn’t mean much, them being just ftf is not out of the realm of possibility.

You mean using lead pipes that are falling apart and using water from the Flint River that more than like polluted from manufacturing than anything else. Thereby poisoning the water that has absolutely nothing to do with pollution from auto emissions.

It hasn't been like that since 1998-2001.

Their singles and their first album Homework are great, even Discovery was really good (especially with the genius Galaxy Express 999 tie-in). Unfortunately though this is also the time it started to go down hill with them trying to recreate the success of Discovery by doing the same style as that album. The only

I was going to comment this very same thing, glad someone else knows how BT creates his music.

I totally read this out loud in JFK’s voice, lol.

That and her recent change in attitude from a “down to earth, girl next door sweetheart” to condescending disciple of Amy Schumer.

I was thinking the same thing although while I would go see TFA in a theater (terrorists be damned). I would never risk death by zealot for The Hunger Games and I enjoy all three movies.

Disclaimer: I have never paid to see the The Hunger Games. This doesn’t influence on my judgement to risk death for TFA over THG.

So where is Fat Ken, Nerdy Ken, and Boring Ken? Not all boys are be muscular playboys wearing an ascot.

As a person who lives in a small town (2,000-3,000 people) let me just say. No. It’s not just a walk down the street for for the majority of said town. Matter of fact, most of the population in this town lives in the rural parts where it takes a 45-1hr to walk into town.

Hell, even the people that live in the town

Same way here in Missouri every year there is snow, but yet every year I hear about or see 6 or 7 cars a day either parked on the shoulder, stuck in the median or off in a ditch. And every year I wonder how in the world these people don’t know how to drive in this stuff.

And Missouri gets a lot of snow, not just a

If you have the Silver Scale you can transport to and from Zora’s Domain. Oh and don’t forget to grab the bottle at the bottom of the lake.

If I can afford to build that pc I can afford a Rift, just save my money and then buy one. Easy peasy lol :)

Negatory, last October I finished my gaming pc (which I built with the Rift in mind) and it cost me $1482.90. Parts all from Newegg, I came close to $1500 only reason it wasn’t it cause I skimped on the mobo, case, and power supply. And it both Nvidia’s GeForce Experience plus Oculus’s tool for checking if your pc is