
Shoot yes, but perform a MDK, no. If the officer in question had shot him once in the leg/shoulder area then it would be different. But he didn't do what he should have been trained to do and go for a shot that would disable but not kill; he went straight for kill shot/shots.

Remember was pretty sweet actually, the way it feels while playing makes me think of a Luc Besson movie.

I enjoyed Remember Me as well, I still need to finish it (distracted by other games) but, yeah.

Yes I admitted that already, thank you, see my reply to Tasha, and please don't call me bro, thanks again.

It's been a thing since The Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog series and the SatAM series.

I came here to post this, Silent Hill is the only game that has made me keep my light on after age 6

So, Jodie Kidd? :) I'm down if that happened

Heh, maybe I just took it too seriously (I would somewhat freak out if I lost one or pretend they were if I but pulling the drawstrings on my bdu pants leg tie them and tuck the leg underneath that). I can kinda see how it could keep some creepy crawlies out but not all of them. And you are right, they do create and

As AdmGenAladeen said, his the legs of his Uniform are bloused using this. The Air Force does it as well as the Army and Marines, it's part of the Dress and Appearance standards for all branches, and Reserve/Guard Units of the respective branches, and the Coast Guard. Matter of fact, if noticed that your pant legs are

Except for this movie, he plays a down on his luck banker who moonlights as cocaine dealer/user. After meeting Chris Evans' character (yes Captain America) they spend the majority of the time in a bathroom at a Manhattan house party doing drugs and talking about life. There is no action, no people getting beat up,

That was awesome, and the one and only time Jar Jar made me smile and it wasn't even Jar Jar. XD

Oh yes, and let us not forget there is totally a Morgan Three Wheeler already in the game upon purchase.

Or a Lamborghini Sesto Elemento, but a Zonda or a Huayra would be cool to.

This has just made wonder about why Pidgit is not in Mario Kart.

I was passively ok with this when it was just the GLA, though I thought a Crossover was a silly addition to Mario Kart. But then they added The Silver Arrow and the SL. Now I am actively ok with this. Sure sure sellout this, blah blah money that, Mario as a brand was, is and will be all about be slathered on a plastic

It's different when it's your family, if it was just friends or random people trying to help you out by getting you a phone that is entirely different. Family trying to help is just that family trying to help, unless they have a provable, beyond the benefit of a doubt reason where trying to help you would further

For some reason this make's think that the Aztek is going to be a future classic.

- It's so ugly it's pretty, like a VW Thing.

And that is mostly from restaurants (and I mean restaurants, not McDonald's) I haven't signed an actual receipt for a credit purchase in the U.S. in years outside of a restaurant or maybe a rural gas station and even then that's rare. Now in the wal-marts and some other supermarket and grocery stores there is still

Interesting, :) but that's ok too, ED2 is much better, enjoyable, easier to watch movie than ED1.