
There really is no fixing stupid is there? Ah well, I tried, enjoy your lack of intelligence.

I have actually thought about this for a few years now. From being a Mars fan since I was kid and it being more interesting now that I am an adult. I would love to go, and incidentally , if by some miracle the trip was volunteer based, I could contribute something, I already came to the conclusion last year I really

The Doctor has been imprisoned in the Pandorica, without him to keep the Daleks, Cybermen et al from conquering the worlds he has saved; those star systems are being eliminated.

First of all since you want to bring SNES days bullshit, assuming that other people didn't I got my release SNES brand new in 1991 I got it for getting good grades that year, I was 11. It was the set that came with Super Mario World. And Miyamoto said himself, in interviews, and (if I remember correctly during his Q

Just so know it's been canon that Mario and Luigi are from New York since the original (non Super) Mario Bros. Know your gaming history before commenting.

It's canon, in fact just about every Mario spinoff is canon aside from the movie.

It's canon.

Because death is inevitable.

lol so true, and your name is amazing *high five*

It has been done already, see: Magic Knight Rayearth.

Thank you posting this, it's been running through my head since the at least the beginning of the comments.

LOL I know right, I used to pass around the method of how to get the warp whistles in Mario 3. They were written out on index cards that I would dictate to my mom and she would write them so they were legible.

I watch both, first one way then again the other, only true way to make a well rounded decision over which series/movie's dub or sub was better. And I get to see the show twice, for science.

And 99.9% of the it's always, ALWAYS #2.

lol silly Kinja, and oh I see it, don't know how I missed it.