Well remember, Shredder is the original cartoon is Japanese voiced by a Black man. So...
Well remember, Shredder is the original cartoon is Japanese voiced by a Black man. So...
Actually, with the glasses Steve Jobs is wearing it doesn't look half bad.
Atari/Sega logic 32+32 = 64 or 16+16 = 32.
I like vinyl, but for me, I would treat it just a like a cd, buy it, rip it, put it on a shelf never touch it again. Because I like taking my tablet or phone and my bluetooth speaker and listening to things around the house and in my car.
The only plus side that I could see is Vinyl only appreciates doesn't really…
and all of FF2(IV), 3(VI), VII, VIII, and IX.
I still have to sit through FFV, I always get bored, and the only ones I like from X our (that I can remember) Zanarkand, Otherworld, and Hymn of the Fayth.
I know right
ah I see, I have read Sanderson's other books, but I stopped reading WoT half-way through book 10 I think when Robert Jordan died. Which I keep hoping and praying won't happen to GRRM.
Since you used that example, this was done by a woman in the first place, not a man. Unless men are now named Susie Sie.
Aside from Sanderson's own series(s), I am going to only speak about WoT here, with that he had everything already pretty much written out for him in the way of notes and I think a half finished book. That's probably how, and/or he is just overall a more organized writer than GRRM is.
I hear the Queen likes Doctor Who, so there we go. Off with his head.
Well, if I had to choose a way to die...there are worse ways.
Yes :) there is a process to what God created, they just didn't snap their fingers and everything existed.
I've been waiting for this to happen, its the only way out of this hole we have dug ourselves into.
Ha this was funny, but in all honesty unlike other games that get incremental updates CoD, Battlefield, Guitar Hero. Mario Kart games didn't see a "new game" the what seemed like the very next year.
Whatever, the Nomad was great, a portable Genesis, heck yea! Sure the battery life sucked, but come on, a 16 bit system off of 6 AA's really?
Weird, heh, well whatever.
No, that's because after smoking your "friend" goes and eats way way too much and then the body digests all of that. Which leads to a huge poop that is going to leave rather you like it or not. Hence that feeling of immediacy.
At least that is my theory.
Well now that science says dinosaurs had feathers, obviously ALL dinosaurs had feathers. ;-)