I try.
I try.
Well yes, I am (new here) but so far aside from you no one else is particularly funny. And there is nothing QBert can't do.
Since you are going to be rude, I will tell you.
If by that you mean this is just an account I use to troll, then you are mistaken. I have used to this account for the past 5 years. For actual participation in threads it was under a different then, not that it matters.
A gimmick account, seriously, what do you mean by that?
Bless you little heart. as well.
Pretty good, how about yourself?
"well-established commenting community" A Whovian who is also a Xenophobe, interesting combination.
As well you should, bow down puny mortal, KNEEL BEFORE ZOD!
Oh making light of video games is funny, just not this time.
Now that you have a working example you know humor the next time you see it. One is glad to be of service.
Funny thing is Disqus didn't bring me here, as for who I am, it's the internet I am everyone and I am no one just like everyone else on the internet.
No, it's supposed to mean supercalifragilistxpialdotious but then since you obviously already knew that didn't you?
bless you
None I knew did that, when I told them something about video games in the 80's and 90's people shut up and listened.
Why does that matter?
I will not, I read the first time, every word, every syllable , and every vowel. And I got the sarcasm in the last paragraph., and the crack about Destiny as well. But the years (save the Pac-Man Fever one) are correct.
Well bless you as well, I had no idea I stumbled a bible thumper blog by mistake. /s
Sure I do, when it's funny.