
Discovery Channel not Nat Geo. Nat Geo is the channel that now runs actual education shark-related counter programming during Shark Week.

Nope, the bones line the majority of the tunnels, at least that’s what the audio tour said.

That stretch in (especially southwest) VA is terrible! It’s made even worse by the state troopers itching to throw you in jail and impound your car for doing 10 over. Or, the trucker doing 68mph passing another trucker doing 65mph backing up traffic for miles.

Correct. However this does make a great hockey town.

He seems like genuine dude. I’m just baffled that he’s never kept score in his life. How do you make it that long in baseball and not know the position numbers?

Noticed Marlins Man with them at the beginning of the game and wondered why we’d never seen him with women at games before.

That’s how I use mine too.

And there were so many points given up in OT games that contributed to the #8 seed. But, there’s no 3-3 during the postseason.

You’re not. Even walking out of Bridgestone last night Hawks fans were asking how many cups Nashville had. My response was “as many wins as Chicago in this series.”

You don’t get to bash Clinton anymore. She’s not the president-elect.

Not willing to purchase? It’s nearly impossible to save money for a 20% down payment when you’re paying 33% of your HHI on rent. The next question is always “why don’t you move somewhere cheaper”? Because the jobs are here.

I’d argue that stat actually makes sense too. Those who came here legally feel (emphasis on feel) the illegal aliens “cheated” and should all be deported. Because they immigrated the “right way.”

Cost, mainly. We all offset the cost of all the cable channels we don’t watch. So, my grandma, who only watches cooking channels, is paying for ESPN and vice versa. If ESPN were to sell direct it would more expensive than, say, a SlingTV sports package.

IDK what it says about him as a football player or a human being but when I think of Andre Johnson my first thought is always the Toys R Us receipts.