
Sick, Sick, Sick rocked V. hard when I last saw them live - the album version always seemed so toothless but it seems the raw material is there. I recall Vice saying something along the lines of "apparently Julian Casablancas is on this so let's blame him"

Good god bands should never ever address their critics in song. This is possibly the worst example I've seen though

I remember little of Era Vulgaris - was there anything salvageable beyond the Make it wit Chu retread?

"Hmmm, I'm enjoying this but I bet someone is analysing the shit out of it online"

For a second I thought there was a book called Special Effects in the Movies for $4

Taylor Swift played London this week - if you're a live concert photographer that gig is far and away your best chance of getting paid, therefore you would sign this sort of shit just to get in the pit

Food/rent? People sign shitty contracts all the time

You people?

Ah yes, Chris Cornell as "car stereo appreciator"

All of Mr. Bungle's albums were released on a major, not just their best but also their worst and the middling one too…

Knowing the meaning of "infer" is the most important thing, then attractiveness


Maybe in your hemisphere *taps out pipe*

Them Guttenbergs don't come cheap

Definitely worth doing. I've watched each episode twice and on second viewing, without The Questions running around my head from the first go, I've found them a delight.

The budget is higher this season but as you wrote 'apparent' I guess you've seen the identical "lower", "no, higher!" comments on every S6 episode so far. See you next week!

The "black guy in every sci-fi movie" trope featured in Dan's fantastic Doberman-sized-centipedes-attack-a-Trader-Joe's improv movie pitch from Harmontown 130

Yes, that is clearly the only alternative, well argued Josh. I'VE BEEN SUCH A FOOL

But in the meantime lets just treat them like sub-human scum. YAY.