I see the band through that prism too (Efrim and his not-so-merry men) but usually reviews toe the official line
I see the band through that prism too (Efrim and his not-so-merry men) but usually reviews toe the official line
After all the hard work GY!BE put in eschewing band photography and only doing written interviews where they answered as a single entity it turns out this is "an Efrim Menuck release" featuring "Menuck’s music"
I'm more bummed about John Oliver's non-involvement this time out than losing YNB. Duncan's expanded/revived role in season 5 worked really well and they didn't have to start from scratch with the character.
Given that he's putting on an accent, it is a parody, isn't it?
I'd include Stoner Witch as a good entry point to the majesty of the Melvins. It's on the accessible end of their spectrum but not without its oddball left-turns and it totally rocks balls
Milo Ventimiglia has better things to do? Ouch.
I should give you grief for not paying a lifetime of taxes here to be in on the deal but, seeing as you're describing exactly what my grandparents did, good luck to you!
Late entry for Clunkiest Headline of the Year
I was never a huge Boosh fan but his appearances were by far the worst thing about the whole show (to me that is, clearly others felt differently as I'm now discovering…)
Try and keep him there this time
Cartman's penis?
BBC America is a commercial network. The BBC can't use license fee money to fund channels not shown in the UK
I'm struggling to think of a Shirley plot in S5… were there any that centred on her?
If the answer to 13 is Beaujolais (nouveau) then the question should read "can be" rather than "supposed to be".
I'm guessing, as his activity is private, this isn't the first he's dipped his toe in the dick pool
But we're not all dicks right? You're definitely leaving room for non-dick Brits, RIGHT?!?!
In the US it's protected, here in the UK they'll probably pull the damn game…
They are differentiated thusly:
Portuguese Ronaldo = Ronaldo
Brazilian Ronaldo = Fat Ronaldo
I can't believe "Your Song" wasn't the original choice for the epilogue card - it works perfectly, the horrible irony of those lyrics ("It's a little bit funny…") after what has immediately preceded it - brutal. Can't imagine Life on Mars having the same effect.
Yeah, we really do excel in the "drag out a sitcom episode's worth of gags and plotting to 90+ minutes and stuff it full of shitty sitcom actors mugging for their lives" school of film-making.