iago's yoda


What. We rewatched Trading Places as part as our Christmas movies and I rediscovered it as a fantastic movie with not a weak spot and a very strong social commentary. With Eddie Murphy of course doing his best with some improv and lines recycled from his stand up, but the Dan Aykroyd one being the closest to the

I think Olson looks like she dunked her face in botox.  Her appearance really changed from previous seasons.

I hate it when people say shit like this. I have parents too but I don’t look like fucking CLONES of them, nor do most people. Again, by your own dumb comment 50% should mean he only looks 50% like him max plus a bit more due to also being male. Instead, they look like gd time travelers. That’s unusual!

Now playing

I think The Implication scene from The Gang Buys a Boat demonstrates how you can make a joke about practically anything. But the trick is in how you frame the joke.

Best Flagg is Eyes of the Dragon

Still more conference championships than Notre Dame.

The sad part is a lot of my fellow Millenials will not get this reference.  

I think The Langoliers and Maximum Overdrive deserves to be in a special WTF territory.

He's also quite good on the first two seasons of Documentary Now!. That's where I first saw him. I haven't watch SNL in a long time. 

Not to mention the way the headline is worded, I thought it was going to be 3 ways to troubleshoot your current router before you go out and buy a new one.

Thank you! Video “articles” are stupid and a waste of my time.

Doing the lords work! Thanks!

I hate “video articles”.  Thanks.

i hope there’s plenty of badger in this!!!  can never have too much badger!

And Chewbacca is just Sundance after he really let the mustache go.

Another long-time reader hoping for a transcript, so I can enjoy this (once great?) feature again. It’s my favorite recurring feature on the site so hope it comes back.

Just like yesterday’s video with Judy Greer, someone please alert me when the transcript is posted.

I want to READ Random Roles.  Thumbs down for this great feature’s pivot to video.  Give me a transcript.

I quote this scene so much at work and nobody knows what I'm talking about. I still do it. It makes me giggle.