iago's yoda

I’ve been a Dropbox user/moocher for years, but I’m looking closely at Google Drive and I’m open to alternatives. I haven’t made the switch yet, but I’m close. Dropbox is taking something simple and making it complicated, and charging for it doesn’t help.

I’m gonna put down $5 that this is going to be fresh steaming compost and still be kind of a hit with the kind of people who have Rick & Morty tattoos.

I’m kind of getting the impression that the show is actually going to be taking a critical position the idolatry of Rorschach with his army of followers. Nothing about the way they’ve been shown so far in any of the promotional materials screams, “Hey, aren’t these guys cool/good?” to me.

I’m regretting this as I type it, but this is a way restaurants can get your butt in the seat and order, then spring the added cost at the last minute. I support paying benefits, but I hate this sneaky crap. Just roll it into menu pricing with a note on the menu.  I’m wondering which MOA place this is, as I very well

Defending your life is legit one of my favorite movies. Honestly, they could afford to have a full on Albert Brooks appreciation on here, maybe bring back the old Primer articles that they used to do back when they cared about that sort of thing .

Excellent. Thank you sir. Semper Fi.

I’m gonna say that he was dishonorably discharged. Just a guess. No REAL marine would act like him. Semper Fi.

You are entirely wrong.

No ma’am. I’m just a dolphin.


94 years old, all the cash there is, accomplishments too long to list.

they gotta shout out to ‘84 Repo Man ... just have someone open a glowing trunk of an old sedan or hope there’s some respect show for Buckaroo Bonzai (also ‘84) ... both would seem due for some Stranger Things attention

You care so little about it you even took the time to comment on this article to tell everyone how little you care!

See, that’s how you say you don’t like something.

And he’s in Real Genius.

Because it’s genius. It’d be like chucking The Searchers on the scrapheap becaause of John Wayne

I mostly just really want a final season with the classic “real world” Archer characters. So knock yourselves out, genre-hop for another five years, as long as year SIX wraps around with Archer waking from his coma. 

Agreed. I checked out Crackle when I got my first Apple TV a couple of years ago, got through half a movie, and gave up on it. Way, way too many ads. I’ve gone back and tried it a couple of times since then, once a year, give or take, to see if it ever got better, but it hasn’t.

I appreciate this list. There were a few sites I hadn’t heard of. But for the record, Crackle has more than a few ads. There are so many, it’s unwatchable, as far as I’m coconcerned. Looking forward to checking out the classic cinema site, though.