iago's yoda

I still have Homer's "woohoo" as my "you've got mail" tone.
Yes, I'm sad and lonely.

Bernie, is that you?

a little column A, a little column B.

Thought- or hoped?

well, yeah. people who eat blocks of cheese the size of a car battery.

well, yeah. people who eat blocks of cheese the size of a car battery.

….the "Audience Network?" Backed by the "Human Fund?"

ya gotta do what ya gotta do.

I wonder if he eats shoots and leaves.

Not just pandas- DISNEY pandas!

*Literally* the worst fried chicken from a chain out there.

I agree - there's 1/2 a good movie in the second one. My thinking is that 1/2 is probably ideas left over from #1 that just didn't make it in, so they fillered and stretched them to make #2. Then they pooped out #3 after a long night of street tacos and alley-bought mescal.

The third one is.

Now that you've confirmed it, that's all I'll be able to think of too.

there'll probably be weed, man. alien weeeeed.

Judging by his face, I think he's lost a good bit of weight IRL and the producers are padding his costumes. I could be wrong, but good on him.

Has he forgotten the face of his father? Only time will tell.

Just proves women are fickle, regardless of their team.

Miracle Whip is goblin cum. Fact.

the super mansion snatch, OTOH, is like the Hotel California….