
Or she could forgive him and move on , forgiving him doesn’t mean she has to be his friend , forgiving him can just mean , ok I’ve been shitty before too and I’ve wanted forgiveness so I will extend that to you and hope you learn from your mistake

Yes do you relive all your past bad behaviors? Like seriously people usually ask for forgiveness and want to move on from what they did , including genuinely remorseful people , this rule you made about “real remorseful people never want to forget what they did” is bullshit and you know it just think a little harder

My thing is why are we talking about this as if it were some Harvey Weinstein shit? I get this dude might have been shitty but are we really going to do this for every shitty behavior ?

Seriously not forgiving someone that was just a shitty person when they ask for forgiveness I think makes you a shitty person . That revengeful attitude is toxic and not something anyone should look at and say “yesthat ok”. If someone was just verbally shitty but never laid a hand on you, and they’re coming to you

I actually like that about Christian’s . We tend to feel like things done against us are the worst thing ever and forget the fucked up shit we’ve done and just got away with . The whole don’t comment on the spec of saw dust in my eye while you have a whole log in yours is something people should live by .

Both questions come from the same place though . The root for both questions is the bad feeling you have as the one who did the violation. The only reason you want to make things better is because you feel bad and don’t want to feel bad anymore so you want closure in the form of an accepted apology

It was done on fucking Twitter , that woman never intended to accept an apology . All she wanted to do was mimic the victim hood portrayed by abused women . She sees women on Twitter calling out sexual abusers and felt the need to do her bit of calling out .

Either eay you say it Youre really only interested in making someone feel better because it would make you feel better

You prefer echoes Chambers anyways


Ehh But the same can be said about black people , black people need to do better

Why don’t you comment on the root?

You never said they were upset, so if you only know why someone might be upset what is the point of being against it if you don’t know if anyone is actually upset ?

Which one of those implemented chattel slavery

Blacks were taken as slaves too in the Barbary slave trade. They preyed on people who lived on the coast . They didn’t discriminate based on race

You’re talking about the US , the topic on the other hand is ,what’s that got to do with Japan

Abortion pills in the future work instantly , remember this is set in the future

I see it as a story that explains the problem of racism but I don’t see it as a reflection of the history of race relations in America. People seem to think the movie was supposed to reflect what’s going on now when that’s not the case .

That’s where this comparison to race breaks down . I see the film as the civil Rights era happened and sometime down the line humans had to get over the racism shit because orcs and elves exist now . So I see it as if we in our current time got handed two completely two new human like species .I didn’t see it as orcs

Youre lumped with the drag community because the drag community lumps you in with them . It doesn’t just happen arbitrarily.