
People of certain generations should without a doubt get a pass for not being hip on the new social justice movements . They should get a pass at first, they should get a chance to learn, then they should be expected to know better

2 while they were unconscious? Wtf are you talking about ? The picture of him with the chick that was “sleeping” in army gear , he wasn’t even TOUCHING . So again wtf are you talking about

It wasnt funny TO YOU .

Him saying that Caitlyn had an easier transition into womanhood than Mohammed Ali changing into his name is actually funny. None of his jokes about trans people have ever been “ lol haha that woman is actually a man “ they’re thought out

This grown ass woman comment was directed to the lady that didn’t hang up on CK . CK hasn’t molested anyone btw . Also your point on transexual people . Are they intrinsically illegitimate or are they illegitimate in your opinion .

BASED on experience* he only spoke of his experience

BLACKathletes are literally more Athletic

Manority of Black people talk like black people especially when they’re around other POC , maybe not so much around white people

“oh white people” and “oh men” can be damaging , but you wouldn’t care to think about how such sentiment can be damaging

Yes but youve just acknowledgethat the dominant culture is white culture , you can’t say “white people have no culture” while also saying white culture is dominant culture . When we wear sneakers shirts and jeans we are borrowing from dominant culture aka white culture

You know this isnt a sentiment exclusive to that comment , this idea that talking proper is talking white is shared by black people too .

Uhh that sounds a lot like catcalling

If Richard Spencer said that There Root was a tool of the alt right would that make it so

To be fair Schultz on the brilliant idiots hates hoteps unlike Charlemagne

But see you just excused that behavior and made the woman seem rational and almost like a victim. Stop that mentality too , you’re asserting that they do this as a survival tactic out of fear but that is just your opinion supported by absolutely nothing. Why not just say those women are shitty and move on

People have to stop thinking men invented patriarchy too

Homophobia in the black community is probably the worst of any community , how do we even change that?

Great you just gave fuel to white people . Why should white people trust black men ?

Leaders and spokespersons of the LGBT movement are rarely ever gay men , so this doesn’t really make sense , just sounds like you want to throw gay men under the bus here