
How has he compromised though? Has he said that he was going to put those issues on hold in favor of other issues ?or are you interpreting what he’s saying and coming to your own conclusion that he’s compromising .

You genuinely believe that he believes minorities aren’t ordinary Americans?

Some people really just have thick skin, and shit like this really doesn’t get to them like it might get to you

Women wear mini skirts to work with their tits out , we’re not supposed to say that unprofessional but somehow bare feet are unprofessional?

Patriarchy had shit to do with this yet somehow you made it about patriarchy

Can y’all explain how this is any different than Fox news reporting on Islamic terrorism in order to demonize Muslims . When Terrorism happens in the name of Islam we’re supposed to treat it like an isolated incident that does not reflect on Muslims as a whole . Why don’t we do the same in this case ?

Sure the words of the “victim “ is evidence but so is the words of the accused, don’t you think? That’s kinda of the reason why this can be difficult to decide. Unless you want a system that automatically side with the victim and disregards the accused claims

Festering pile of shit ? You couldn’t come up with anything else . You’re either a civil rights hero or a festering pile of shit...no in-between?

So you’re going to ignore the whole scandal that ultimately led to Bernie losing and act like he simply lost cause he was unpopular.

Y’all are mad cause he’s white and just want to minimize what he’s done . I get it sometimes I feel petty towards white people too but at least I’m aware of my pettyness

You guys know when he said ordinary Americans he meant your average American of any race ....you fucking know that so why intentionally misinterpret what he said

Yes cause he didn’t use a fucking racial slur ,idiot. That makes all the fucking difference, that can turn an ordinary statement into a racist one

Ehh , no one’s ever made you or wanted you to apologize because they felt you did something you didn’t do .

That’s what I call a reach

I worked at the Hollister on 5th Ave and people would ask almost daily if it was a night club

Majority of trans people are trans women

STFU, black vernacular IS slang ,you dildo wtf are you talking about? Hillbilly isn’t an official language either ,is white supremacy keeping hillbilly from being its own language too?

Black people commit majority of crime or almost half , we should talk about that.... See how stupid that sounds? We don’t like white people doing that to us so why do it to males and white people . Generalizing doesn’t solve shit

Did haven’t suggested not talking about sexual assault and rape . I suggested not talking about “maleness” as the problem .

Fuck outta here troll , you can’t write law papers in aave , ain’t nothing racist about that ,point blank