I’m not saying it’s as simple as saying “Most slaves brought to the new world were sold by their fellow African.” The point I’m making is that its true whether or not its more complicated than that it is true
I’m not saying it’s as simple as saying “Most slaves brought to the new world were sold by their fellow African.” The point I’m making is that its true whether or not its more complicated than that it is true
Yo know how to write in something other than black vernacular. This is coming from a non white perspective . Writing improperly is bad no matter what vernacular you want to say it is . Hillbillys can’t be lawyers writing in hillbilly slang either
Talking about it does what exactly? Besides demonize and generalize a whole gender
I don’t get it , can men not experience sexism?
Yea But this is a situation where kit was talking about his experiences and women were giving him the “what about women” line , kits experience was the topic not women’s experience . He such a nice guy though that he apologized, for talking about his experience and clarified that he was not downplaying women’s…
Women don’t just need to be women , cmon dude . Unattractive women do not even experience this shit don’t be blind , don’t just say things that you think will get you points ,say the fucking truth . You don’t know not one unattractive woman that has been catcalled just be honest
So when does objectification become sexism ? Can we just stop tip toeing and just say that sexism can only be experienced by women .Please, all of y’all think sexism can only be experienced by women , just say it . Why isn’t that something that is said ? It’s implied but no one ever says it.
What you experienced is called SEXISM , it happened because you are a man
This is what feminism is , consistency doesn’t exist. You’re an exception
My question is what would sexism for men look like? When does objectification of a man become sexist?at what point
I’m pro choice but never understood the rape or incest arguments my side uses . The response to that can easily be “well special exceptions can be made for people in those situations”
If men could have abortions women would be doing the same things men are doing .
So you admire openly ignorant racist people? Good to know
Seriously what fucking hotels are y’all talking about , you can’t stay in a fucking holidays inn and smoke without getting kicked out and charged in New York City .
Just so you know , Y’all work at shitty hotels.
You did nothing cause you probably worked at a shit hotel , her story is bullshit , I love cardio b but her story is bullshit
Shes not black
Y’all making it seem like it’s career boomed while Janet’s crashed and burned because of the incident . The truth is janet is old and was old at the time , her career wasn’t going anywhere but down even without the Superbowl
Yes I’m not seeing how you can listen to JT and think soulish or that he even sounded black or tried to sound black . Dude sounds like Adam Levine . This article is waaaay off