
The transformation from a black woman to a white woman is only problematic if that’s all the ad showed. The ad taken in full stops that from being problematic. Seriously context matters . We gotta stay away from absolutes , things aren’t already absolutely racist , a black woman transforming into a white woman can be

All of what you said would be valid if the ad just showed a black woman transform into a white woman ,but that’s not what happened. The ad began with a woc and ended with a woc.

People with different skin colors often use different skin products , do you deny this?

They used her image just like they used the other models image

Women of different skin tones often use different products because of the nature of their different skin , do you deny this?

If she was the before, who was the after?

How do you test someone in math without giving them a test.... This idea that act or sat only benefit the middle class or “overwhelmingly” benefit them is ridiculous. These test benefit smart people. Smart people are the only ones passing these tests. I came for a highschool that had mostly poor kids of color , they

There are other woc in the ad not just the one black girl

This isn’t even half the ad though . The white woman takes her shirt off and you see another woman of color . If it was just the black woman and the white woman I’d see the issue but when you see the whole ad it’s different

I think the Latina one is the original one

So poc get penalized for wearing locks . The same people penalizing poc for wearing locks don’t turn around and accept locks when a white person wears it . Your argument and your attitude on the subject only makes sense if the businesses that have given poc hard time for locks don’t give a shit when white people do

They only have spiritual meaning to Rastafarians . Not everyone is Rasta bro . Are you saying you can only wear dreads if you’re Rasta?

So you saying Samson was the first person with dreadlocks? Are you serious right now

I’m not white , and EVERYONE in the Bible is brown . dreadlocks still don’t come from Rasta , and they don’t come from Samson . Dreadlocks are found in EVERY continent . Dreadlocks can be found in ancient Asian cultures ,ancient European, cultures ancient ,native American cultures ,andancient African cultures .

Rastafarianism isn’t in the fucking Bible that’s number one . Number two Rastafarianism is less than 100 years old . Number three dreadlocks including “Babylon dreads” predate Rastafarianism. So he ain’t appropriating Rastafarians . So you dumbass point still dumb. If Rastafarians didn’t start dreadlocks what business

Dread locks weren’t invented by Rastafarians so who gives a shit . Yamulkes were invented by Jews , dreads were not invented by Rastafarians , so your still the idiot that came up with an idiot comparison . How about you do research on the history of dread locks

Dread locks aren’t like yamulkes dummy in no way at all

A tortoise isnt just “like” a turtle , a tortoise IS a turtle.. we’ve already established this dude . I’ll repeat what I’ve been saying since the beginning a tortoise is a testudine , testudines are TURTLES we don’t use the word testudine or Chelonia for the same reason we don’t use other scientific words s we say

But black people weren’t the first to even do dreads , so what culture is being appropriated

Because a tortoise is a type of turtle . So they’re the “same thing” in the sense that if you know what a turtle is then you know what a tortoise is. How else would you eslxplain what a tortoise is? I mean you could say “ a tortoise is in the testudine or Chelonia family “ or you could describe what it looks like but