
Men must stop being sexist . I don’t think banning words that may or may not be offensive across the board is the way to go . I don’t know too many women that are offended by the usage of female . Most the girls I know use the damn word . But then again I hang around mostly black and Latino circles , that may have

Also you should know that women’s blogs aren’t representative of how women feel , they’re only representative of how a particular type of woman feel . Specifically white middle class millennial women . But you already knew that though

There’s nuance to this subject but you prefer and absolutist POV . Idk why . You can continue to think men that use the term are sexist and women that use it are self hating? Or you can understand that context is what dictates whether or not the use of the word is offensive . We aren’t talking about something as

I don’t think anyone is arguing that turtle and tortoise are the same thing. A square is a rectangle but rectangles and squares are not the same thing . Testudine or Chelonia are turtle’s . Instead of saying “ Testudines or Chelonia” people say turtle , instead of saying “members of the canidae family” we say dog .

Long story short Testudines and Chelonia are turtle’s .

I think my source is more legit . My point was more to shut the “ only dummies think tortoises are turtle’s” crowd. I think I’ve proven that tortoises are turtle’s and you aren’t making a mistake if you see a tortoise and call it a turtle . And anyone that says you’re wrong for calling a tortoise a turtle is likely

Humans are animals , there isn’t a differentiation need cause humans ARE animals . But I get where they’re coming from . I think my thing is that female can be used to insult but so can the suggested word“woman” or “women” depending on what’s being said . I bet if you substituted “woman” with Cam’s “female” use his

All tortoises are turtle’s but not all turtle’s are tortoises

You’re boring . Do you honestly just use the terms “man and woman” . Cause that’s boring as shit

Where’s the consensus of women, outside of women’s blogs, that say female is offensive?

Just start calling men “males “ and that’s it . Do it back to them see how they feel about it .

Yes the voice (intangible concept) has a gender (intangible concept when referencing inanimate things or “intangible concepts”). “Sothen what defines the gender of an inanimate obects “ . We define it but we don’t define it arbitrarily so it isn’t just “whatever we say it is”. The sex/genders of inanimate objects is

“Sowhen we say “Woman”, that, by definition, refers to an adult female human. But female could just mean “thing with feminine characteristics”. Which would be true of a transfeminine woman. So, she’s a woman” so then what makes a masculine trans woman a woman besides her word. She’s not a woman by definition ( human

I’m trying to figure out where you disagree with me and why . Do you believe gender and gender identity are the same thing? Cause if you acknowledge their difference then you should agree with me . Can your gender identity differ from your gender? Or are they always the same

I haven’t established the criteria of what man and woman are the definition of both are the criteria . The definition of woman is adult human female and the one for man is adult human male. That is the criteria that can be seen across cultures . The definition you have of “those that identify as men are men and those

Yes sex/gender can be usedto describe inanimate objects . Like “female end or male end” there are other examples where inanimate objects have a sex/gender or we use sex/gender to describe certain inanimate, LIKE BOATS CARS AND DIFFERENT TOOLS, I’ve said that like 3 times already so I did all caps just in case you miss

Conflating gender identity with gender does more to confuse than to help. People use sex and gender interchangeably rightfully so because they are SYNONYMS as ive already shown you . The difference between a man and a woman is not just that man and woman are different words . Man and woman describe two different types

The words gender and sex are literally synonyms . You keep acting like I’m making this up or it’s some new concept .

Long story short I believe trans people are whatever they say they are on the basis of their gender identity not their gender. For example if call and MTF trans person a woman and I’d use the pronoun she and her on the basis of her gender identity not on the basis of their gender . Their gender is male but their