Are people babies?
Are people babies?
She’s half you’re 1/4 big difference
She’s half you’re 1/4 big difference
theres nothing wrong with “born female” and yet the author took the correction and changed it to “assigned female” as if the doctors made a mistake saying the child is female. This kid was born female and still is female . This isn’t a case of a few idiots on either side , the idea that he is no longer female is…
Go ahead go to any comment calling him male and correct them by saying “he’s still a female” . Tell me how that goes . I’ve done it before this is why I’m telling you . I actually had an argument with a transwoman who denied the fact that she was male ,why’s that? Was she wrong? Whyd she think she was female ?
You should be correcting your side though , all you have to do is scroll up and see people on your side saying he’s a male rather than a female , I can bet money that if you were to correct your side ,they’ll label you transphobic,I can bet money
That’s funny because people on your side often co flare the two , for example many in the chat are calling him a male when you’ve just said he’s a female
He’s not a male ...He’s a female . His sex hasn’t changed only his gender has
Sex is defined as intercourse , if you have a guy a blowjob and that’s it I doubt you’d say you had sex with him
I don’t think conservative memes is the say as conservative comedy , I don’t think you’d find conservative comedians saying things like those memes , conservative comedians are pretty PC
What conservative comedian have you heard say what you just said
You’re assuming all women will participate
Good luck? You do know that nothing will change that day right?
Except everyone knows that the strike is only going to last one day and the next day everything is back to normal, no one is intimidated by “you want to press your luck” because the threat is essentially a bluff on the part of women
Strange isn’t an Asian last name ....
The character is by default wise, old, and mystical . The character is an immortal wizard that knows martial arts , if you take away any of those traits you no longer have the “ancient one”
The character by default is an old wizened mystical perso. This was not changed for the movie because changing this would make the character pointless
The fucking character is based on an Asian stereotypes , how the fuck do you cast an Asian to play that role without perpetuating an Asian stereotype
Black widow isn’t a character that deserves her own movie because she is boring . I can see her in her own Netflix show though
You fucking debate him ...