
It wasnt awkward to watch you fucking liar ,I bet you didn’t even think twice about Fred armisten playing prince

So you want Latinos to be seperate and not united, great cool, shut the fuck up and sit down please

So fucking what...

Dude you’re Puerto Rican ... Just like Hawaiians are fucking Hawaiin. Just because the USA buys a country doesn’t mean that country loses who they are

Latino doesn’t include Guyanese and haitian

Ehh if I felt like was going to be stuck on a ship for 88 years alone I’d open a couple pods too, especially one with Jennifer Lawrence in it .

Feminist like you are why people don’t take our movement serious

Why does matriarchal = good and patriarchal= bad ? I really don’t get it

most mens bathrooms dont have mirrors yet they survive

no one uses these arguments ever so why do people keep arguing against them

but were you paid less than the women

it was about men in general

because as a white man we don’t know which black, muslim, hispanic guy is going to turn us into a statistic , the odds may be relatively low but when its your life those odds are scary as fuck . ( btw im not white)

how are we supposed to know which girl will get jealous and kill us for it ?

Men get jumped and get into fights and also get killed at way higher rates just do research don’t ask you small bubble of white guy friends , more men have been in life threatening fights then the 1/4 statistic of sexual assaults on women

Your comment addressed men

Most men do take no for an answer though ? You’re just generalizing and its wrong

20% percent of women experience some form of sexual assault according to studies , that’s far from every woman

No one here is mra though so you’re arguing against mra arguments when no one has used them

First of all there’s only one class of men that have privilege so what the fuck are you talking about